
"I'm sure plenty of android users wouldnt know where to find the settings for an iPhone camera either."

You must be lonely and sad.

That was funny, 5 years ago.

I usually like your posts but whoever did that picture never had a love one die of cancer or AIDs or did and is still a psychopath.

Actually, I like the Metro UI and found it easy to navigate in it. The only conclusion I've made so far is that I prefer Windows 7 to what I've seen so far. I think the two environments of the new OS will lead to confusion for an average user, which I consider myself to be when it comes to Windows. However, I think

My experiences are my experiences. Why do you care? I gave full disclosure, said I just downloaded it and was playing with it and gave my first impressions.

I installed it in a VM this morning. It's neat, but I wouldn't choose it over Windows 7. Navigating in the OS isn't intuitive and I found certain functions, such as going back to the start screen to be frustrating. It works sometimes and not other times.

That may be true, but what does the average user know what it means?

My new Canon 5d Mark III gets lens flare as well.

I'm sure if you replace Apple with Samsung then Engadget will be referenced. Half of Engadget stories seem to be about Samsung. Whether its reviewing every single SIII out there based on carrier or color or giving away Samsung swag, Engadget will report on it.

I was 10 years old in 1977, full of Star Wars in my head. However, I didn't think much into the future, I had too much fun on my BMX and mini-cycle to think of such things. I did do a 4th grade project where I thought the world might turn into a Logan's Run type of living environment, but after I received my A, I

In the past, I tried to switch to Pepsi, but still came back to Coca-Cola afterwards.

The Polar Bear was a Nikon fanboy.

Oh Cool. Haven't heard that one since 2010 when the iPad was first announced. Thanks for the memories.

Oh yeah, like this?

Good question, but wasn't he a recent hire at Samsung?

Link to the app for those of us that are lazy?

I don't think that looks good at all. Nice try though. However, there was an article today that dealt with laser etching on the back. The only thing bad about it was that they left the FCC info on it. I would think yours is primed now for a nice laser etch and you won't have the FCC info to mess up the image.

Too bad their website looks like its from 1997.

That's pretty badass, but like the commenter before me, it seems a bit too expensive for the typical consumer.