
It won't be an LLC because they don't have those in the UK, but probably something similar. However, corporate shields probably don't help in negligence cases.

You mean like these?

You mean because I didn't ignore your insults I should continue to be insulted? Well, perhaps you only feel alive when you communicate in combative ways. Have you ever thought about that? Do you communicate best when you can bully and anger people? You responded to a comment I made, as you have dozens of times ( I

I happen to have a 9 year old son with mental retardation. The only mental midget here is the one that would use a developmental disability as an insult.

I was here years before you got "permission" to post under the new commenting system, and I'll be here years after you have left. Do yourself and me a favor, ignore my comments.

Perhaps you need to read the thread fully before you start accusing people. Sort of makes you look stupid to call me a fanboy if you look at the comment I made after the source was given. I think the only fanboy here is you.

It's a blog douche. If you don't understand that simple fact, you'd be better off sticking to a source that only publishes after the fact.

Nice. So many people speak out of their asses as a reaction, you give evidence. Kudos to you.

Nokia was doing multiple colors in 1998? Source please.

Did you read the article? Apple was doing colors before Nokia even knew there were other colors besides black and grey.

How original. /s

Can you expand on your experience? I'd be interested to know how it effected you.

My uncle is actually a master jeweler for Tiffany's and yes I am making the comparison as it pertains to robots which was the original assertion. Robots cannot make beautiful things, people do. I'm not sure why that escaped some commenters, it must be the brain damage of youth.

Here, I did some research for you.

"but many people were taken back and went to Mac side."

Because you were stuck in backwards day?

Did MS lose desktop marketshare as a result of Vista?

Apple actually wins either way. Who makes videos like this for any other manufacturer? The only thing Apple needs to worry about is when no one cares or the public becomes apathetic, like with RIM.

What are you 12 years old?

I wonder how Tiffany makes its jewelry, by robots? How about a Picasso, have it made by a robot? Foxconn has nearly a million workers working on Apple products. How many do you need? Robots certainly aren't good for employeeing millions of people.