
Do you realize the quote had to do with hardware, not software? Ive wasn't commenting on software.

If there was one component, one part that was the most important in a good headphone, what which would it be?

Never heard this before but it reminds me of Depeche Mode. I get where your coming from Molly.

None. But my experience over the last 20 years suggest some are better than others.

You didn't read the other comments on the thread did you? Don't worry, I did the same thing with the article.

I guess you have a hard time following a thread?

Yes, sometimes Apple has problems connecting to 3rd party routers. Usually you have to wait a bit before they fix the bug. I have been using the same router since 2006, and despite all the equipment I've purchased since then, everything has worked perfectly with Airport. It's range is very respectable as well.

Apple's airport will work fine and is especially good if you are primarily an Apple household. Airport works with MS too, no issue from my experience.

A house is fundamentally a dog house with a slightly different shape and size, meh.

To be different, they need to address Android, because that is the larger marketshare. Apple users by definition of their marketshare are already "being different".

"I won't go running to buy a Lumia but the ad was cute, I liked the art.'

"What it did do very well was to point out that all the apple users are just mindless drones buying whatever apple tells them too.'

I liked the commercial, but I'm a sucker for animation. However, as an effective marketing tool, I don't think it works. It's not as bad as the weird woman in the Pre commercials and at least they didn't spend millions on it like Motorola did just to monumentally flop.

Apple is turning into every other electronic company in the world, leaky, since Tim Cook took over.

Is this the actual transcript? If I'm reading it right, it appears he fully disclosed. I must be overlooking something.

I believe October 26th.

I might give a pair a try.

Product description for one of their socks I thought was funny. If they can't proof read their own website, I'm not sure I believe they can engineer a better sock.

You're right, that went completely over my head. /s

This sounds more like an argument you should be having over at Engadget with someone.