
Not any dumber than thinking Apple needs to dumb down its design because of a few people that shatter their phone. My anectdotal evidence is just as valid as any that you point out.

I'm glad the iPhone isn't designed for the lowest common denominator like you seem to be advocating for. If you can't handle the phone responsibly, don't buy it. I've owned every one since 2007, caseless and I have never broken one.

That hand is gigantic.

Were these "tests" done in ideal conditions? Have they been done during pouring rains, snow, sleet or hail? Were they done in metropolitan areas or around drivers making unsafe maneuvers? Where in Nevada? Busy LV or desert highways?

My short answer is no, unless it was in a closed circuit and not going over 15 mph. I don't want to be an early adopter of this kind of tech on the open road until it had millions of hours of successful drives behind it in all types of conditions.

It should come in either white or black, that would put this joke over the top.

Doesn't iCloud basically negate the need for home sharing, unless of course you have different itunes id's which I could see as a problem?

I haven't used FCPX, but I do own FCP7. I can see where Apple wanted to broaden the market though with something more friendly to prosumers with X. FCP7 is not really a prosumer program so Apple made a strategic decision to go after the larger market. However, in the case of iMovie6 HD, Apple scrapped a very

I'm thinking of a differentiation during the course of the sale. If someone is deciding which to buy based on navigation ability, Google or Apple, based on Maps, what competitive advantage would Apple have by having an inferior Maps app? Is Apple's turn by turn better than Google? I truly don't know, I haven't used

Ok, what is the competitive advantage Apple received for putting out its Maps app? Its been widely panned. I'm sure Apple knew it wasn't as good before they put it out. What I'm unsure of is how it was a competitive advantage to have an inferior map app?

The originator has 52 photos on Picasa, all as remarkable as this one. He posts this blurry unremarkable one 6 days ago. Someone thought the shot was so "great" they wanted to know the exif data. Now its on several tech blogs. Yeah, this isn't a PR release is it?

When you have a child with a developmental disability and that word is used, you might feel differently.

First off, stop with using the R word please. Second, you don't see Samsung fans doing this because most won't own a Canon 5d Mark III, remember, Samsung and its sheep claim Apple is full of "creative" types in its fanbase, not true techies like you I'm sure.

Pics/Videos or it didn't happen.

I've gone case-less on every iPhone. Though I did break the 4/s back glass only last week, but it was minor.

You may be right about the RFP. Good point.

Good fu*king God. Samsung is a dysfunctional stalker. No one with a brain in their head should believe Samsung was "chosen". Samsung paid for this. They have a serious case of dysfunctional personality disorder.

Band? Britany Spears?

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Do I record concerts? Oh yes. From 3 years ago, AC/DC Thunderstruck.