
I never made a statement either way, just asked for sources. Do you know what trolling is?

Pro Tip: If you make a claim, like you have several times here, then the evidence is for you to provide, not the reader. Otherwise, you're trolling.

Still waiting on your proof.

The behavior is a pattern, which is why I made the comment.

A 20 year old contesting paternity is a little different than a 50 year old man bribing the attorney general of his country and Presidents and trying to make bloggers indentured servants.

I'm not surprised by this in the least. Samsung has been a rogue organization for a long time. It has been brought up on corruption and bribery charges in Korea.

DC is hard to lay fiber in. I use to live there. There is 250 years of underground utilities there. N. Va or S. Md would be a good choice as the infrastructure is a bit younger but still, the cost of land in both of those areas is probably 10 times what it is in KC.

I'm sorry, but I own the patent on this method.

I couldn't find a patent under your name. What's its number?

At least you didn't use the other tired anti-apple rant, that there is only one way to make something.

This design comes from Chomp, the app search company Apple recently purchased.

We'll see what happens on appeal.

"The effective rate will not change. If the Romney/Ryan plan gets enacted, the rate comes down as the exemptions go away. Same as the Simpson-Bowles commission that was summarily ignored."

Yes, I'll let a youngster tell me how to think about a person and platform I worked for that he never did. Thanks for the valuable lesson. I wonder how I ever got along without it.

I actually worked on Reagan's campaign in 1980 and 1984. I like to think I know what he stood for pretty well.

Now playing

The Ronald Reagan then would be booed right off the stage of the Republican convention because of how far right the Republican party has swung.

This is what I'm referring to, among other things

"give us some examples"

Perhaps you didn't see the link to the Penn relays I gave that showed they are doing exactly that, within a couple of seconds. These are not even world class athletes. How far back did you have to go to see my comment? Tell you what, when you can qualify for the U.S. Olympic marathon trials, come back and refute