
This must be Finland's version of the Redneck Games. They'll need to add bobbing for phones in a mud pit to have any real legitimacy.

Well, that was underwhelming.

Thanks, agree with you. Ars does have the best comments. Ditto CNET observation too.

You're sleeping more because science has found that the late adolescent brain is undergoing a lot of changes and this triggers the need for sleep.

Apple is under no obligation to license non-FRAND patents, however, Google is required to license FRAND patents under fair and reasonable terms and they are abusing their promise to the standards commission. You want the Apples and MS of the world to start suing over standards essential patents when Google won't

Google: "We never use patents offensively". Yeah, I guess you do Google. Let's stop pretending your Mother Teresa. You're no different than any other corporation. No one likes a hypocrite.

If you were looking for responses, you were doing it wrong really. If you add something to the discussion, you'd get responses. However, if you were stuck in pinkie land, not sure if you were ever promoted or not, I can understand the frustration. I was stuck in pinkie land for a year before I was promoted and then

Well, it took me 3 years to get a star, you just had to keep up with it. I had one comment moderated, but could never figure out why. Jesus banned a lot of people that deserved it, particularly those that were prone to attacking other people. But overall, the system worked. Now the comments are getting to Engadget

Excellent catch there!

This is what happens when everyone can comment. This would have never happened under the star commenting system because it would have never gone past the pinkie stage and it would have been moderated out.

Kat broke my cherry and starred me. I'll never forget her. Thanks Kat. Now everybody is "starred" with the new commenting system :-(

Maybe Thursday isn't the best day of the week for the meet-up? Just guessing.

I'll buy both from you if you have a reasonable price.

You don't use something that you own because of a plug?

I remember Gizmodo when these types of comments remained in pinkie land. Ah....fond memories.

Then you didn't see it :-)

Good point. I didn't see the video because flash is acting buggy again for me.

Nice review. If you do another one of these, show it in the person's hand so we can get a perspective on the size. When you say it can go in a drawer, that isn't quite descriptive enough. I have some big drills that could conceivably go in a drawer.

and 12 years old too.