
It's confirmation of the people that want to argue prior art in my opinion. The prior art that used touch in a tablet in 2002 for a consumer product was what?

It's obnoxious because it's bad taste, bad breeding and bad manners. If anything, its a reflection on their lack of culture and taste. You may not be outraged because you are too cynical and accepting of bad taste, bad breeding and bad manners.

Yeah, your younger, good for you. I remember watching it on the news. It was a collective moment. Disco died after that night and anyone that still listened to it was ostracized. Funny thing is, Disco did create some good music, but it was poison after that night for at least 20 years.

Damn, you must be as old as me. Yep, Disco Demolition Night will come to Facebook in my opinion, its just a matter of time.

MSNBC doesn't claim "balance and fairness" and few liberals leftists actually watch it. There is no need for people on the left to cubbyhole themselves. We have open minds and enjoy a wide range of sources for news and or no news. Fox is more like a cult or like the old people channels like the Home Shopping Club.

We'll see.

If you check my commenting history, I've hated Facebook since 2007. I only have an id to sign into different sites and I've been predicting its downfall for 5 years. Its a fad, like Disco was.

My guess is that this only measures each users satisfaction, not general population satisfaction. If this is the case, I'm not surprised Fox News is so high because it feeds its very narrow audience the kind of gruel it wants everyday. It reinforces its audiences own views. It caters only to that audience and that

Exactly. I agree with everything you wrote.

Safari ftw.

I would think this would be illegal to actually do it, though it goes on.

Unfortunately, it needs a protector at the bottom, otherwise the paper will get crumpled the first time you put it in your pocket.

Not sure if this guy is serious, trolling or stupid and that's the charm no?

Thanks. It's the Sun.

Android jumped 7 fold in months? What was the catalyst?

I believe its only available in 5 countries vs. 140 for the iPad, so it is a matter of perspective, I guess.

Google doesn't make any money on search with Android, only iOS. That's according to congressional testimony Google gave to Congress and it seems to backed up by various analytic reports from independent sources showing iOS as a clearly dominant mobile OS.

Go to Apple support page after finding out which Mac you have (click on your apple icon in the tool bar > about this mac then go to Apple online support and put in which Mac you are on. If it supports early 2008, you're likely covered.

Any profit is likely Asus', unless Rubin is lying about its sell through at cost. Either way, these won't sell well. Limited distribution through Google Play, no retail presence and limited number of countries that could purchase it.

Leave it to the PC guy to bring the discussion down with his autistic like "I have no emotional attachment and all Mac owners I've known do" comment.