
Your company should be more concerned by results rather than looks. If you are more productive using paper and pen, then you should be allowed to use paper and pen.

Are 18,000 employees considered large? I work for a company with that many employees and we are issued Macbook Pro's. Also, is Google considered large? They do the same.

Weird set of values at your company.

"Facebook is rapidly becoming the new email from old people." Hopefully FB will die a quicker death than AOL.

I'm actually a leftist, not a reactionary and if you knew my comment history, I think you'd feel pretty embarrassed. But don't let that get in the way of your misinformed opinions.

If you're going to invest some money, you'd be better off buying a John Boos Butcher Block.

It appears the drawer ends slightly beyond the cut out for the scraps and if that is the case, that is a MAJOR FAIL.

Makes me wonder if the Chinese really invented gun powder and other things they claim credit for over the millennia based on their contemporary behavior.

The flashing lights makes it a good device for people that are hard of hearing.

Yes! I like it.

Are there All in One's that detach from the base?

Not trolling, but what's in the sunscreen to make it unhealthy?

It's not possible for a white person to get several shades darker than this, unless they've been inside the crematorium.

I like his reply better. Made me laugh.

I've been to 2 TechCrunch Disrupts. Its exactly how he describes it in my opinion. The people there remind me of over enthusiastic home builders, "build it and they will come". However, some of that is necessary when you are pursuing an idea or a business start up.

The guy in the video could also be confused with someone with severe autism. I see some of this same behavior with my mild to moderate autistic son. I never before understood why police could confuse someone on a dangerous drug vs. someone with severe autism until I watched this video.

I'm a Spotify customer. See attached my premium account. However, streaming isn't a killer feature that would affect Apple's business. iTunes is almost a full platform, a means to an end. Has Apple sold fewer iOS devices or Mac's since it was introduced? If not, why would Apple be worried? Apple doesn't make

LOL, yeah, you're right, I meant subscription. I should take my prescriptions before I comment :-)

That shit was awesome, especially after I started using the micro USB that came with my Touch Pad. I'm not sure why geeks love micro USB, but its total crap in my opinion.