
Really? Why? Spotify is an app, not a platform. Was Spotify's app held up by Apple? Would Spotify stop someone from buying a Mac or an iOS device? What is Spotify's iTunes killer feature? Streaming? Streaming was around for a long time before Spotify? What exactly was Spotify suppose to kill? iTunes? No No

You can use bluetooth to connect in any orientation.

Does Facebook automatically remove EXIF data?

I'd rather be robbed by someone without a gun than to have a gun and the other guy have a gun too.

Mark Zuckerberg just made that much money x 100. The Instagram guys made 5 times that much and their product never made a dime of profit before being bought..

No one's going to steal that monopoly money, except maybe Uncle Pennybags. :-)

I've shot plenty of video with an iPhone and even on Macs, the video is upside down sometimes. I haven't shot any recently (last 6 months). I've had to correct the orientation with Quicktime or iMovie.

If by proving his point is that Robert Byrd was a racist, I'd agree. Never said otherwise and in fact pointed him to several in the democratic party that were and gave him a very long list of former democrats that were racist. The Southern Democratic party was extremely racist. The South was democratic for nearly

Was it necessary to use that language on Gizmodo? I'm not very interested in defending the deceased Robert Byrd and you could have made your point without the inflammatory language.

What's stranger is that no one used that camera for over 30 years after those pictures were taken. I wonder what happened to the person that took the pictures and whom owned the camera.

Plenty of democrats were exactly how you describe these 70 year old quotes from deceased Sen. Byrd. You're probably not old enough to remember all the party defections that occurred in the 70's to 80's. The Southern Democrats were much different than the rest of the country. Both parties have some progressives in

I've lived in the South my entire life and have never heard this word. However, I grew up poor so we couldn't afford big words :-)

Don't take anthropological linguistics, you might laugh to death. Be careful out there.

Republican housewives will love this.

This was beyond geeky, it was uber geeky and it was uncomfortable to watch for me.

I've got that one, its fantastic and much better for slow cooking ribs than the Weber shown here, which I also have. However, for regular burgers, steaks etc, the weber is better.

Hey, thanks man for remembering my day.

"but your comment was about how the advent of cloud computing made this possible"

Now playing

"generic term, cloud, or even more generic, Internet. It just really irks me when someone uses a brand name to represent something..."