
My point was that it caught a criminal, not that some other device can't do the same. Score 1 = 1 criminal down.

What does that have to do with anything? Fanboyism belongs over there at that AOL rag.

To add further insult, she should tag his face on Facebook. Score one for the iCloud!

I'd definitely buy that if it were under $500.

Maybe a basil tea given to tomato plants while they are setting fruit would be the best way and let it be absorbed through the root system.

Rammstein, check them out. They have by far the most technical and spectacular shows in my opinion.

Thanks for the honesty, most people wouldn't admit what you did. I vehemently disagree with your position but appreciate the honesty.

Civil rights may be inconvenient for you, but it is the law.

If it keeps close enough to what Google advertised it does (in that concept video a while back)

"So, if the localities couldn't afford to remodel the pool or spend the thousands of dollars to buy the pool lift, nobody got to use the pool. Not fair."

Do you think they should be able to deny people access based on the color of their skin?

Well, she may not be Miss America, but her mind was surely worthy of Miss Mensa. I can't say she looks much different at 44 than she did at 15. Mimi always had a disheveled look, but she had a wicked sense of humor and a great mind which is what I was attracted to.

I haven't been back there since the early 90's. I imagine the Sonic and the Walgreen's is on Leicester HWY, not far from Patton? If further out, that really is progress :-)

Show me that free oxygen is a necessity?

Tell your mom that the inventor of Tempur foam, Charles Yost, also lived in Leicester. He changed the world just as much as Bob did and they both lived within miles of each other but neither knew the other.

She broke up with me :-). However, the Moogs as far as I know never made a lot of money. Bob didn't have the rights he needed to really make a lot of money. I could be wrong about that, but I remember Mimi talking about how her dad was cheated out of his work. I haven't seen her since 1992 so I don't know the full

Now playing

The Trouble with Facebook is: "Who really needs it"?

Now playing

Agreed. FB isn't a necessity, its no more a company with a long term prospect than the pet rock was.

Expectations weren't shaped by the 90's dot com, they were shaped by recent IPO's like Groupon, an unprofitable company that saw a 40% pop on their stock in the first day.

Michelle is Mimi. Mimi was also a bad ass recorder player :-) Here is Michelle today: