
I had a fortunate childhood and was exposed to a few true inventors and geniuses. My mother was engaged for a time to the man that invented tempur foam, Charles Yost, another person featured on Gizmodo at one point. I spent many a summer day at his home. While not as well known as Bob, Charlie was just as much a

True story: I dated Bob Moog's daughter in high school, Mimi, and spent a lot of time at his home in Leicester, NC. His home was always filled with experiments and musicians coming and going. Bob was always experimenting with different electronics, including some of the early lightening detectors too.

I refer you to the porn industry. Actresses have been swallowing lubricant for 100 years with no adverse side effects :-)

Pennhead is a Libertarian/Republican. He blames everything on Obama. While I agree MJ should be legalized, Pennhead is not the best spokesperson to push the agenda. Pennhead also thinks the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) isn't justified either. Pennhead apparently was smacked down so hard on his

Problem solved:

Could they somehow make this for arteries? Making billions is nice, but Trillions is cool. Imagine if they could adapt this to our arteries. Virtually no more heart attacks.

I think its a pretty universal belief that the IPO flopped for investors. Generally, your IPO should see the stock climb from the offering price and anything less than a 50% jump from the offer price is what is considered a successful IPO. Employee options were given a strike value of $38. Those shares are now

Word on the street is dumb apparently.

9:5 is the only ratio that would be possible without breaking the apps and it can be achieved with the same screen size and still remain retina. There is a good article on it at The Verge but I'm too lazy to look it up. Gruber has also weighed in on the 9:5 ratio as well as it making the most sense.

Socialists are not communists. I'm not sure if you were trying to make that connection. In a socialist state, you have public funding of campaigns so you remove private corporations from funding politicians.

I'm not buying it. The 9:5 ratio makes the most sense. It will maintain the current PPI and not break hundreds of thousands of apps. I'm also not buying the change in connector size. Apple has a tremendous investment in this area in the form of accessories as do its third party vendors. Changing the connector

Kentucky would argue it is the meth capital.

The defendant would have been better off going into a store and stealing 3 CD's which is about 30 songs. Total theft would be about $60 making it a misdemeanor with a $300 or so fine and some community service.

Its probably just a personal choice. I have both and prefer OSX. Window's just seems to want to hide everything to me and the whole Ribbon thing on Office is in my opinion, the worst thing ever done to Windows. I absolutely hate it.

Thank you.

Imagine if they went the cheap route and they had to do a recall on 300 million chargers? Using the best components and going beyond the regulations only makes good business sense in this case.

I use to live in N. Georgia, Lilburn. If you live below the "gnat line" as they call it, that's culturally different than N. Georgia and Georgia in general is very culturally different than N.C. This may explain the difference in meaning, I'm not sure.

Do Brits use the word lunch at all then?