
I still have no fucking idea why people would think that he would lie about a couple of racist, homophobic assholes attacking him. Is there like a pot of gold for victims of hate crimes somewhere? If so, I’d like my turn at the pot too.

>”How hard is it to say ‘Kenta (Nathan Drake in Eng)‘?”

Ilhan Omar: AIPAC lobbies American politicians to serve the interests of a foreign state. That foreign state is called Israel. They do this with money.

I’m in my 50's and have a cousin who is deaf from childhood measles. It is definitely no joke, and these people are insane to willingly expose their children — and worse, other peoples’ children, the elderly and the vulnerable — to this.

A relevant image, from last year’s SEC filings.

Remember when Iwata (and the rest of the board) took a 50% cut to his $770.000 salary because Nintendo wasn’t doing as well as expected?.

A shame that the Activision CEO only makes like $30 million and can’t afford it 

Many Methodist churches have been fairly progressive 

Yes, it’s an incredibly valuable and powerful company, the world’s most valuable company according to the stock market most days, but it’s generally thought of as a good guy as far as the big tech companies go.

I can respect Cardi’s mind and her work ethic, be interested to hear her political views, love to chat with her about FDR’s New Deal’s impact on world politics, surmise with her on the impact Elenor had on his personal politics and STILL be pissed as fuck at her for her anti-trans statements.

Lying to the public like this, attempting to subvert or eliminate a fair, democratic process (to say nothing of colluding with foreign powers to do so) should be capital crimes. No cushy white-collar prisons for the people who get convicted. They should go right into general pop of high-security prisons. Because these

Fifth? There’ve been five of these things? I thought for sure this was at most the third. Jesus Christ. Uh, to each their own, I guess.

Playstation FOOOUUURRRR!

Using every part of the Pioneer buffalo to make a co op shooter out of a non violent exploration game is just *chef kiss* video game development.

Sure there is.  If he hadn’t defeated the safety features the car is supposed to fucking stop.

True enough, it’s a law with a lot of racist historical baggage, though given what we’re talking about with R. Kelly it might be worth pointing out that in the cases of Berry and Ingram the girls they were having “consensual relationships” with were 14 and 15 respectively  

He made a rhetorical point not a threat.

“Because of what happened, the risks for a simultaneous worldwide release are high, for any games that I work on henceforth, currently I cannot help but reconsider a simultaneous worldwide release for at the very least the retail package version.”

What you see here hinges on whether you believe that “Make America Great Again” is a dog whistle meant to unite racists, misogynists, and homophobes under one umbrella, or you’re delusional and don’t care about people who aren’t white men.

This is a bad take. Government functions tend to exist because the private sector will not pick them up. Sometimes the government will jumpstart an industry to make it profitable enough for private industry to get involved, but other things—like experimental science, for example—do not exist to make money. And others,

Replacing government workers from the private sector does not automatically get you cheaper, better quality services. It usually gets you higher costs with less service as the private sector attempts to extract profit from something the government does at cost.