
It’s so hard to care about this show anymore when you know the “Netflix cancels The Punisher” story is coming out the day after the show is released.

No, you do not look like Ariana Grande

Oh don’t worry, Liberals hate you braindead Conservatives too, asshole.

Go fuck yourself, you obfuscating asshole

I’ve been around people like you a lot as well and I know what I know. You’re a racist.

And, while we’re at it, let’s put a little bit of blame on the kid’s coach: he should’ve said “go fuck yourself” and marched his team right out of there.

Why are you calling his dreads a weave? That’s just odd. Are you attempting to mock blackness in general?

No that is not true (and I suspect you know it).

Nothing grounds a movie like having a bag of chips that’s plain gray with only the word CHIPS on it.

Annihilation, obviously. 

I had hopes that my ability to recognize how good Black Panther is might lend some credibility to my assurance that Infinity War, however impressive it is as a Branding Event, is not very much of a movie (cleverly disguised as a LOT of movie).

Yeah, but Isabelle wasn’t an assist trophy in the same game she became a playable character.

He’s already an assist trophy, he is not gonna be a fighter.

Yeah like 50 or so.

I usually defend Marvel from naysayers but Infinity War played like a greatest hits compilation of the criticisms lobbed at their movies and I have no defense. The humor was hollow and formulaic and the stakes were absolutely insignificant. One of the biggest disappoints of the year. 

Personally I was a big fan of the Joker in Smash reveal at the game awards. I sat up at attention when the ad started, expecting probably a Switch port with new content, but then my friends and I actually yelled “WHAT?!” when they revealed the letter with the Smash logo.

I agree. All these kids in the comments claiming that you can’t copyright a dance like they’re lawyers when the quickest of google searches shows, yes, you can, could since practically the dawn of time, and it is as simple as video taping yourself doing it first.

I’m almost all caught up in what podcasts I listen to, so I could use some advice on what to check out next. Here’s what I currently listen to, for reference:

That’s like saying you can’t own a song, cause we all have voices. Can’t own a book, cause we all have fingers to write. Can’t own a game, cause can all type code. Absurd argument.

Man that hot take is scorching. Spider-Man 2 is still widely regarded as one of the best made Super hero films around and along with X2 X-Men United is one of the major reasons people started to take these films seriously.