
Copying from another poster:

This is the first outright negative review I’ve seen for this movie, and it kind of reads as though the reviewer is just holding a grudge against James Franco. So ... I’m still gonna go see it.

Everyone on Riverdale having to say “jingle jangle” repeatedly and with complete seriousness every time is half the damn fun of it.

“It’s not just a one time purchase. It never is.”

Is this the part where someone says “Actually, Rites of Spring...” and then someone else breaks down Descriptive vs. Prescriptive Lingustics and passionately defends the evolution of slang and it goes back and forth for like five hours getting increasingly heated while some rando on the side rants and raves about Tell

No. That is not what a fuckboy is.

That link shows 30 stores. In the country.

As it turns out, Bungie might have some issues communicating!

Bitcoin isn’t real?

Yeah, but can you imagine how crazy that stream is going to be?

(The stream was canceled.)


Using the name of a real person as synecdoche for the entire race or ethnicity or gender or sexual orientation or age for an insult that has nothing to do with race or gender or sexual orientation or age is racist/homophobic/sexist, yes, especially if you do so consistently . Your example does not work because a) it’s

“Way to go, Einstein,” you are slurring Einstein, and I guess Jewish people?

Good Morning Kinjaers!

I’m so glad that we have Eric Trump to turn to about what Native Americans should and should not be offended by!

In February 2015, Kotaku composer Jason Schreier wrote 12 Successful Kickstarters That Never Delivered. Two and a half years later—and stop me if you’ve heard this one before—that story’s update is nowhere to be found.

Allowing a garbage human being to host during the middle of his presidential campaign is cool, but making fun of a fictional windshield repairman is a bridge too far.

You ever tried to hire someone to commit fraud? You don’t get the best people for a job like that.

Project Veritas foiled by caller ID. I don’t know if this speaks worse for them or the folks they have managed to scam.