
First reply on a woman discussing all the work she’s done over the course of her life; comment on her appearance. Stay classy, AV Club.

Now playing

Sneaky Immigrant Song intro, Mjolnir shattered, Hulk, Thor’s reaction to Hulk. There has never been a better trailer.

michelle obama sure seemed to think the position had responsibilities, and i, for one, thank her for her herculean efforts.

Shit. Now I have an idea for a DreamWorks franchise and a ton of guilt for it.

You libtards yuk it up all you want, but if you look closely, you can see Trump is photoshopped into that video. I can tell because of the pixels. And it’s an open secret that Billy Bush is just a character played by Andy Serkis in a mo-cap suit. You sheeple seriously think Billy Bush is a real guy? Study it out,

“Not that he had suffered brain damage, but that he had lost massive amounts of brain tissue. Like they scooped his fucking brains out.”

No, North Korea did not scoop out Otto’s brain and bandage him back together. There are many credible US news sources on this. What US doctors were perplexed by was that there was no obvious physical signs of trauma to Otto (such signs that would be terrible obvious with cutting someone’s skull open, removing brain,

I think I used too many big words and correct grammar. Bad trolling.

“IT’S COSMETIC” is the dumbest excuse you dumb people make to defend corporate bullshit. Sorry kid, we’re not letting that slide anymore. Cosmetics are one of the most important parts of games, especially multiplayer games. Go back to playing Facebook and phone games and quit ruining gaming for the gamers with your

So, they admit they know without investigation yet they don’t like how the system they built behaves. So glad I didn’t get it on xbl sales these past days. Not even worth my 20$. And being this mainstream means they will get away with the backlash easily. Fml and their fans.

You sound like an unpleasant prick. Your mom should have aborted.

Since we’re talking about things that suck and no one should have to watch...

I’m surprised Aronofsky’s heavy breathing behind the camera didn’t fog up every Lawrence shot.

To hell with all the ingrates who didn’t get it

Some of the first few paragraphs in the post...

Didn’t he lose his sister to cancer too? Then set up a charity in her name.

Stop blaming shit on my generation. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some avocado toast to eat.

Because boring, ignorant people saw “3 hour movie with thinking” and went “Naahhh, I’d rather watch Transformers 4 again.”

Wait, do you want a Superman movie or Man of Steel 2?

Depends on who you voted for. I voted Hillary and actually enjoyed this article, even if it’s not satirical. It’s a good balance to this site and all of the other Post-Gawker sites.