
hey i just had a thought

Just wanted to make one final post before the site changes forever. So long, and thanks for all the Simpson quotes, everyone.

Yeah, I really hope it's good. The movie just looks like a fun time and the two shorts he did for Team Thor (specifically the first one) were really great. I've only seen What We Do in the Shadows and Hunt for the Wilderpeople, but both of those films were good enough for me to basically watch anything he does.


Griffin's probably my favorite brother (it's a close contest tbh), but anytime Justin just goes for the bit, I lose my mind. See also: Glass Shark.

I'll never forget where I was when I first heard the Amelie clip in that week's episode.

It's like the last scene in Over the Top, except it's Under the Bottom

He's wonderful. All three brothers are. (Clint too!)

I don't know if this has been noted in the comments elsewhere, but Griffin McElroy is also donating all of the proceeds from sales of The Adventure Zone soundtracks on his bandcamp page to the Southern Poverty Law Center through the end of the month. If you've already bought them (as I did when he recently donated to

I'm so excited for TAZ, I can't wait to see what happens. Also: episode 69. Nice.

Eh, I think it's the third-best film in that series.

Yeah it's not great. I lurk in some of the Kinja comments but never nearly as long as I do on AVC. I'm dreading this change. It means I'll actually have to get some work done.

@daddddd:disqus shared this picture elsewhere in the comments to demonstrate.

Yeah, please do this. I read quite a few Kinja sites but have never commented because of the grays. I also don't comment here enough that I think my comments would ever make it out of the grays, but I do like to throw my two cents in when I have something to say.

I'd love to see Griffin get to do more video game-related podcasts anyway. I know he always kicks himself on CGI whenever he starts "doing a video game podcast" but I genuinely love hearing him talk about games. He's my favorite part of The Besties (which I'm glad to have back, even at once a month), and even if the

No problem! I'm in the same boat as you, a huge fan, and as someone who recently graduated with a degree in video production, Nick was something of a role model for me. So it's been very difficult.

I'll go check it out, thanks!

To be fair, the Toad thing is all Pat, not Nick.

Since there's nowhere else to put this, if anyone is at all interested in what went down with Nick or was a fan of Nick and is looking for a way to decompress, Waypoint Radio did a really great chat on their episode this morning.