
Tomi Lahren said she's pro-choice. She's dead to them like all the newborn babies in need of healthcare are dead to the GOP.

Anything bad happening with the McElroys will crush me. I know you're big into TAZ and MBMBaM, and I'm not sure if you follow any of the Polygon content, but one of the only saving graces of this weekend's terrible controversy was "at least it wasn't Griffin" because I honestly don't think I could handle that. They've

Let's do it.

I can be there in forty minutes, this a real offer?

I hope he bought a new bathroom with his two minute of poop-emoji dialogue. He deserves it.

Only one thing left to be done.

Griffin's dabs should be the only dabbing allowed.

Just wanted to say—really glad Classics are back. Great decision by everyone at AVC.

I grew up north of Buffalo and west of Rochester, but our town's population was closer to 8,000 or so.

I grew up in rural NYS, and the amount of people I know/knew who did everything they could to act like southerners was amazing. I know people who adopted accents they clearly didn't have when they were younger.

Beautiful avatar, George. I hope they retweet that gosh darn Toad soon.

I love that Griffin had to confirm on Twitter that was all on Justin, without any kind of prompt. It was so perfect, but you could tell from Clint's reaction it was unplanned.

To be fair to FiveThirtyEight, there were one of the only organizations out there *not* predicting a 99.9 percent chance of victory for Clinton. I think heading into election day, they had here at like 88 percent (somewhere around there), which, yes, is high, but Silver and co. made it obviously clear during the week

I've been telling people for weeks it's the sequel to Boss Baby (which I've been relabeling Baby Boss to try to make it sound like a franchise).

I never had an email address because by the time I signed up for email (it was at an after school program when I was 10), I chose Yahoo instead, and then I had a few Yahoo accounts before I made the jump to Gmail in late middle school/early high school.

Yep, one of my friends from high school did his student teaching this year and subbed throughout May and June.

I said sorry!

I mean, I was 11 when we switched from dial-up to cable internet, so it's not like I didn't have similar experiences, but yes, there are obvious differences. I'm not disagreeing.

Aw, come on. I'm a full-blown college graduate born in the year 1995.

Born in '95 (sorry), and I remember AOL, pagers, and dial-up internet pretty distinctly. In fact, my family's household was a dial-up/Windows 95-only experience until me saving up Christmas and birthday money allowed me to buy an iPod, which pushed my parents to buy a new desktop and eventually step up to real