
The movie's overstuffed as hell and everything with the Sandman is really boring, but the James Franco pie scene and the dance through New York scene are both goddamned hilarious. It's certainly not as bad as everyone makes it out to be.

I can't stop listening to the soundtrack. It's incredible, and I absolutely loved the movie. Wright's hit it out the park five times (I know not everyone loves Scott Pilgrim or The World's End, but the former found me right at the right place and time, and the latter's dark side is too interesting for me not to love

"USA! where even the worst [rich] [white] people on earth can be elected President!"

I just spent way too long on that website.

They counted The Good Place, which also aired like four episodes in 2017 of its 13 episode run. So they might as well count CEX (which rules, and holy shit that finale).

The soundtrack implies that might be one of the final songs to play in the film. It's definitely in there somewhere.

He bought Google Glass.

It's amazing how good Disney is at making me lose any interest in Star Wars.

I can't stop thinking about how this morning the news broke about the woman who told her then-boyfriend to kill himself and to get back in his car was charged with manslaughter, and then in the afternoon, a cop who pulled a gun on an innocent man who posed no threat to anyone got off scot-free.

Well, half of Shakespeare anyway.

To be fair, Rooker is the best in everything.


The Breitbart comments are amazing, because their responding to Griffin's "call to violence" with… calls for violence against her.

Congrats on upvoting your own comment.

Season one's timeline also really confused me. It's been a year and a half since I watched it (when it first came out) but didn't Mornings burn through like, months and months of time even though every episode before that had been in the present?

I swear to god I've seen her in a million things but looking through her filmography, I'm not sure I have beyond a couple random episodes of this and that ten years ago.

I really genuinely enjoy watching The Rock act, but I'm not exactly rushing to the theater to see Baywatch or Central Intelligence.

What's even worse is that, at least on my PC, clicking any Newswire article starts the video because of the AV Club's mandatory autoscrolling articles.

You sound triggered, friend. Would you care for a safe space?