
Well, if it's just plain coffee, I want it how I want it, with cream and sugar.

I figured it must be something like that. Great.

Ignoring him for a moment (or forever, as we all should)—what's up with all the Breitbart assholes invading this thread? He's like, the fourth or fifth one. Did this article get retweeted by a Breitbart author or something?

Yeah, I just saw that MyNetworkTV has had the rights since last September Wouldn't be surprised to see the show eventually spread to something like Freeform, especially since they're about to have a Marvel show of their own next year.

It's going to hit syndication count this year, with 88 episodes. Maybe they wanted to get one more season in for some extra cash, since they own the show? I'd imagine that even if AoS does well when it's airing week to week, it might pick up viewers over syndication deals in the future, just because of how popular and

Tell me about it. I live in rural NY and I still see signs to repeal the SAFE Act. Thing's been signed into law for over four years now.

The explanation given in the article—that the show worked best on Fridays, where it's been since (I believe) its second season, and the end of comedies on Friday nights meant that the show didn't really have anywhere else to go.

It definitely would be, and you're right, it is much shorter. One of my best friends is a huge National fan, so it depends on what we want to do around the concert. Hamilton's a great city but I also love getting away to Toronto when I can (and there's only about an extra hour between the two from my house).

I live in the Buffalo area, hopefully I'll be there too. Been dying to see them live for years.

Lahren's biggest problem is thinking anyone beyond her natural base cares about her opinion on topics that don't relate to her. The reason she thinks black people called white people racists when discussing problems relating to the black community isn't because "white people aren't allowed to talk about it," but it's

Well we needed that *official* update, ya know?

And with all copyrighted songs muted.

My local drive-in made the decision not to show Guardians 2 until the end of the month, when it can be paired with Pirates 5. Apparently, Disney not only wanted a larger cut of the ticket sales than any other movie my Drive-In had ever shown (from Disney or otherwise), but also wanted the film to be paired with Beauty

I believe he is! I'm not trying to say he's on one side of the aisle or the other, just that he gives a bit too much leeway to dangerous ideas in the name of free speech, which is fine and well, but his comment sections (I know) suggest that his followers use his thoughts as a brand of approval that their

I used to watch his videos back in like, 2007 or 2008. Last year I started catching his stuff occasionally, when it would pop up in my recommended feed. He's definitely matured and grown, and on some topics he can be really interesting and imformative (such as this), and he does seem like a good guy.

I actually did have to do a trailer-recut as an editing exercise during my senior year in high school, but I was in a three-hour-long video production class everyday, so it sorta made sense.

Fangirls, etc.

Twitter sucks at their business and keeps losing money, but their active user base grew 11 percent last quarter and they attribute a lot of that success to Trump.

That poor girl on his left (camera right), booing the "Washington Media" and "Hollywood Elite" even though she has no idea what any of it means. She looks like she's ten or eleven years old, she doesn't know what any of that means. She's purely being brainwashed by her parents to buy into TrumpMania.

I'm still not over the fucking map thing with Reuters.