
Was Donald Glover there?

I mean, I'm fairly fresh out of college and I send/use a lot of email, but pretty much only in a professional sense. Never really in a "personal" fashion.

I like to imagine danknaruto69 knows nothing about anime, and just really likes bad surimi and also sex positions.

This is why you make two (or more) emails. That way I can send all my funny political jokes to my friends through

Netflix also released a statement saying they've contacted law enforcement agencies and, unless TDO is a mastermind who leaves no trace, I can't imagine this ends up well for him.

This is an actual quote from The Dark Overlord himself, taken from the Variety article:

As far as the OITNB story, there was also this whole blackmail/threat aspect to the story, as the "hackers" who obtained episodes asked for a bunch of money for their return. It was also reported on by most sites that cover pop culture, like Vulture and Variety, as well as some tech websites like The Verge and

We lost My World of Flops for this.

Which sucks, because seasons three and four of Korra are just as good as seasons two and three of Avatar: TLA.

I can't believe how fast this is pushed off the front page in favor of featuring a billion GJIs.

I can't believe you missed out on the should've-been one-hit wonder "#SELFIE."

Love it love it love it. Avoided going onto the Reddit this week for post-episode discussion just to avoid anyone who wasn't a fan, because I really dig it. The system Griffin designed seems to work well. I seriously don't think we've seen the implications of the system yet, either. The bond system is just straight

This is amazing

"So, everything in life is supposed to only invoke positive reaction?"

"Depressed teens having a terrible reaction to suicide on screen is bad why?"

The book came out right before I went into high school, and I read it when I was a freshmen, I remember it went down quick, kinda pulpy, one of those things you know isn't amazing but you can't really put down? Anyway. I read the book, enjoyed it a bit, and basically forgot about it up until this year, nearly ten

Did someone say my name?

Definitely a lot more usage of the word "family" in F&F.

Fast Five is a legit good action/heist film, and while 6 and 7 don't hit the same high, they make up a pretty decent trilogy.

I absolutely disagree, friend. Those early movies don't exactly stand the test of time. But Fast Five through Furious 7?