Ken Raining

It should be noted that Cloak and Dagger were created by Bill Mantlo, the longtime comics writer that has spent well over two decades in nursing homes after being hit by a car in 1992. I recall that, shortly before his accident, Mantlo was contesting Marvel's ownership of the characters. Mantlo's story is incredibly

My choice too.

I can't be the only one that thought you were talking about Booker T.

You know what you don't hear anymore? Buns.

Oh man, the David Brent special. My curiosity may get the better of me.

If someone set out to design a movie specifically so that I would not want to see it, the result would probably look a lot like this.

He's in the first season of Fargo, though it took me at least two episodes to realize it was him.

I have seen and read more articles about the Underworld movies in the last month than I have in the last ten years combined.

R. Sikoryak is a goddamn treasure, and a super nice guy to boot.

Nope, and it's really pissing me off.

Which is which?

I had such a big crush on her after Last Days of Disco, and then she made Pearl Harbor and the Underworlds and I don't think I've seen another one of her movies before Love and Friendship this summer.

So is this canon now?

I thought his bit about WholeFoods was pretty sincere, which is probably what made me mention him.

My favorite is that one where Mac joins the Dharma Initiative.

Glad he's got his priorities in order.

Not sure if he falls into that category per se, but check out Gary Gulman's Netflix special.

Probably lots of unwanted gift copies from aunts, grandparents, ect.

But we all know that Bendis is a mutant with the power to make people ignore his terrible writing to keep buying his comics.

I haven't read it, but I sympathize with your general feelings. Par for the course with Marvel, unfortunately. I didn't like the A-Force book, in large part because She-Hulk was written like Wonder Woman, and that didn't work for the character at all. You can't just write characters however you want while ignoring