Ken Raining

I'm starting to think that Zack Snyder may not really have a good grasp on these characters.

I really liked the Cosby Unraveled podcast, up until it started covering the trial. There were plenty of other spots to get that coverage, but this was the only place that was looking to put Cosby in a historical context. The first three or four are definitely worth listening to.

I'm a fan, but I'm honestly not sure I can sit through that.

Honestly, what she describes as "sexless" sounds more like "normal woman in the 80s". Kind of speaks to how much we've oversexualized women in everyday life over the last 30 years.

I've seen the Sunset Flip executed many times, but I've never heard it described like that.

I know this comment is months old, but I can't help it: this was in a Secret Origins issue (I believe one of the annuals) and it was actually Wally's therapist, not a scientist. But yeah, I always liked that too.

Two other things I want to say about this review:

Dunno why you seem to have decided to die on the Bob Kane hill, but good luck with it!

DC is certainly culpable, in that they allowed Bob Kane to pass himself off as the sole creator of Batman for decades. There's lots of talk that DC had no choice, because Kane's contract explicitly states that he be considered the creator of Batman. One thing the movie makes clear, though, is that if such a contract

Yeah, I remember getting a comics magazine with a big Bob Kane story around that time, that had images of Kane "artwork" that was literally just traced Todd McFarlane covers and splash pages. You know, like you do when you're nine.

The difference is that Robinson was hired by Kane as an art assistant/ghost after Batman had been published. Finger contributed ideas to Kane that completely reshaped the character that he pitched and sold to DC. Robinson is no doubt a hugely important figure in the history of Batman, but even he isn't up to the level

He died COMPLETELY obscure and uncompensated.

Bob Kane with Bill Finger. Better than nothing.

It's terrific. I went to it thinking "oh, this will be interesting", but it was far more moving and consequential than I expected.

Well into the 60s. Never had a published writing credit on any of them.

Bill Finger contributed ideas to Bob Kane while he was developing his proposal. There was no "deal" in place then; Kane hadn't sold anything, just been told "bring it in Monday and we'll take a look". He knew what he had was shit, so he called Bill Finger, who basically contributed every single element that

I saw this at a screening at the Bryn Marw Film Institute this week (the filmmakers are locals) and it's amazing. No hyperbole, it's the best Batman movie I've ever seen. I hope they do screenings at Comic Con and NYCC, because it really benefits from being seen with an audience.

Yes! It really is.

I did read Hypernaturals, and thought it was great. Made me go back and read their Legion stuff.

Started reading Tom Scioli's Transformers vs GI Joe, which is just as crazy as I've heard.