Ken Raining

Funny, your description of the Taylor Hawkins album is exactly how I feel about the band fronted by Nirvana's drummer.

I judge this on a sliding scale, kind of like being the best fighter in the world, pound for pound. The amount of terrible high profile comics Bendis has written puts him ahead of, say, JT Krul, who is terrible but never wrote a tentpole series or event comic. Call it a tiebreaker if you like. Also, while I think his

I used to refer to them as Puddle of Suck. Zing! I suppose that would be considered bullying these days.

I contend that he's the worst writer in the history of comics. He's almost single-handedly destroyed the Marvel Universe, no matter how many fucking comics he's sold.

His job is to be repetitive.

Civil War 11? God I fucking hope we don't have nine more of those to go.

I refuse to believe that Pokemon Go was this year.

Remind me to never ever ever share this with my wife.

Columbo's leaving? Fuck.

No you don't NEED to go back that far to enjoy Faith, but the question was SHOULD you, and where to start. And the answer emphatically is "Harbinger" and "yes!"

Private Eye was last year, since it was one of my Christmas presents. Great book though.

Start with Harbinger, where Faith was introduced, and keep reading through Imperium. This will include a crossover with Bloodshot, a surprisingly good comic. Really it's pretty hard to go wrong with Valiant right now.

I think you can only comment if you log in through Facebook, right? That certainly doesn't help. But the ironic thing is that CBR says they ended the blogs to give those article more exposure on the front page, but if the discussions on his posts are any indication that hasn't worked at all. The site design is

I only ever go to CBR for Brian Cronin's articles, but that's enough to make me absolutely hate that site's redesign. And it's a shame that they are just wasting Cronin on clickbait.

I've lost count on how many Hawkeye #1s this is.

That's Jim Davis.

This legitimately deserves a Great Job, Internet!


The best part is when Conan mentions Studio 60 as one of his favorite new shows in the setup and like five people applaud.

Punisher for one. Didn't even like the Ennis stuff. Also, I know I'm in the VAST minority, but Deadpool does nothing for me.