Ken Raining

Read the second Contest of Champions trade last night. It was pretty good, but I really should have read the third Gotham Academy trade that I've been putting off, but it was all the way downstairs….

Don't worry, they're terrible.

Is that Amy Adams or Isla Fisher in the photo?

It is.

I want some answers! *smacks apple*

Damn, shows how closely I've been following the DVD releases. I remember hearing that Dick Contino was really unhappy about that episode, and I always figured he was somehow holding up it's release. I'll have to look for that set now.

Daddy-O is and always will be my favorite experiment. Not enough people have seen it because I don't think it's ever been released on DVD. But it's amazing.

That made me feel better than anything else has this week.

FARTING T-Rex. Get it right.

No shit.

This is one of those movies where the premise is so absurd that it's impossible to take it seriously. Our elections simply don't function like this.

I got an Anatomy of a Murder notification for this?

For some reason he made me think of Bill the Cat.

The commercials for this show airing during football make me SO MAD every time. CBS is the worst, man. Every football season I sit there saying "that show's still on?" over and over again.

How can you purge the Spiritualized live album? It's the best thing they ever did!

Yeah, Nirvana was kind of what caused the dam to explode, but there were already cracks. People also have to realize that, as adolescents at the time, so much of our musical taste was shaped by MTV, and hair metal bands were a cornerstone of their programming. If you wanted to hear alternative stuff you had to seek…

As a Philadelphian, rarely is is subtle here, certainly not always.

You have no idea how many times that quote has gone through my head this last year.

Stop. Letting. Bendis. Write. Event. Comics.

They're a much better minifig than Lego.