
EXCCUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSE ME!!!! Mr. fucking Jernalist

I don't think you needed the word 'hilarious' in the lede.

He said 'Lowry' not 'Plumlee'

Brooklyn plans on unveiling an ad campaign to rival Toronto's, entitled: We, the indifferent. #Deron Williamsburg

She's probably trying not to get a tan. Can you blame her?

Sigh. I am full of Beatles albums and Chelsea Jerseys: A Liverpool Closet's lament.

This is great news. And I here I thought Canucks were only good at being prone to injury, miring in a goalie controversy, before ultimately imploding on the ice and missing the playoffs.

If the net had it's head down waiting for a pass, or it's back to the play, Marchand wouldn't have missed it at all.

18. To avoid awkward glances or uncomfortable glares, use lye and turpentine to dissolve the acrid odor of Buffalo off of the body*. Dispose of epidermal renderings into nearby Lake Erie.
*This will not alleviate the appearance of stink lines.

It seems fitting that the only numbers they appear to keep in stock are 0's. 0 of course representing the number of times Steve Bartman has NOT paid for sex in the last 11 years.

Oh, I just meant living in Ohio in general.

To truly identify with sorrow this child should consider being a Leafs fan. Actually this child is a resident of Ohio, I'm surprised he has any tears left to cry.

Tampa Bay: The worst city on the planet, correct?

If Montana would just use their television antennae for its intended purposes, instead of taping them to a foil hat, they too would be able to enjoy this quality Olympic coverage.

Johnny Quinn and Rob Ford are the same person.

There you go! If you're unsure about cars just ask a friend.

What the fuck is a Ford Tercel?

Jesus Christ. Has Richard Sherman taught them nothing!1??!11

Yawn. Wake me when they have a homophobic snowball fight.