Kenny and the Llamas

Definitely Team Latrice. I want Untucked back for this season just so I can hear Latrice laugh at everyone’s antics. Best laugh ever.

Some of the people in the club were at the Vegas shooting. This was their second time through it. We have come to a place where you can be a veteran of mass shootings.

You’re gonna need a helicopter evacuation from that horse, friend.

So long Steve Knight, you worthless asshole. I will definitely raise a glass to Katie Hill for sending your Trump-loving, polluter-protecting ass home.

Proposed as a 28th Amendment to the Constitution: No white shenanigans. Should “shenanigans” be called, a vote shall be taken among all affected minorities. If the call is confirmed, the shenanigans shall be cancelled and all white folk in the relevant area shall be disenfranchised for a period of ten years.

1. Seeking asylum is not illegal. Repeating your racist bullshit a thousand times will not change that.

I assume you also hate Vettel and Red Bull for their four straight, then? And you must despise Schumacher and Ferrari.

Nope. You’re welcome, happy to help. Good talk.

Love all the replies saying this is just how drivers act. Well, no, there are a whole bunch of drivers on the grid not acting like this. Lots of teammates can even celebrate each other’s successes. Defending Jos especially is extremely blindered. He has been a proven asshole for a long time.

That’s a reason to be disappointed. Not a reason to have a tantrum about his teammate.

Wait, I’m not sure I follow. You’re saying Harper’s joining Kershaw in LA, right? That’s awesome, man.

How about neither. That was also part of the context.

Spoken like someone who doesn’t remember his presidency. The “losers” you speak of are people who lost the social safety net, lost protection from monopolies, lost the regulation of banks, and lost their union rights, all under Bill.

Went to Basketball Reference expecting to pull stats for a “Chris, you cray” reply, but honestly I don’t seem to give Boogie enough credit. His production is on a level with The Admiral and could be argued to be better than Patrick.

Dude, no. Hell no. Noooooooo. No two ways: He would never be as good as Curry, unselfishness or no, and no way in hell he displaces Jordan or Drexler on the Dream Team.

Nah, man. Give the Dream Team 82 to really work things out, they’d destroy any team ever. Magic, Michael, Larry, Chuck, and either the Admiral or Patrick (they each got starts, as I recall) are the greatest starting five of all time, period. Any five players from that team not including Laettner is at worst a match

There was a story a while ago about a woman getting diagnosed with... cancer, I think?... by a doctor who saw her on TV.

I’m curious about the Venn diagram of the “but he was never convicted” crowd and the crowd who condemn anyone whose name has been even peripherally connected to PEDs, with no actual positive test.

I have a feeling we’re about to find out a lot about the state of our military. Not too long ago I said to a buddy who’s a Marine officer that when I was in there’s no way on earth any asshole in Washington could have ordered us to fire on refugees at the US border.

Your shiny head band seems to be made of tinfoil.