Great analysis and article about a sublime match.
Great analysis and article about a sublime match.
Hey, if it's not baroque, don't fix it, right?
The bear and I are one.
First off, thanks for the all caps and for the lesson. Much appreciated.
I actually work for a company that does industrial turbomachinery repair so I can shed some light on what’s going on.
And when an employee emerged with a tray filled with said pastry, she remarked, “What the fuck is that? I hate Americans. I hate America.”
Challenge of the day: Don’t cry into the PCR tubes
Take it up with the Tottori representatives. I’m just reporting it.
... reading Penthouse Letters. I plug up one hole in the dyke, another one busts open.
It was a great movie and a great ending.
Every soccer mom in America is a Manchurian Candidate, waiting to be activated with a trigger-word like “terrorist” or “thug”. Mechanized Nancy Graces, automated in the defense of vague Americana; mussing the hair of cereal-swilling children, straightening the neckties of bread-winning fathers, and furtively nudging…
So I’ll get my pr people to call your pr people and we’ll organise a party for instagram. Don’t worry, Ill have photographers and filter pros on hand. Do you know any black girls? We need at least one at the party so I don’t look racialist.
Love Taylor
SCIENCE BOX. There are so many possibilities! I think I’ll go with an autoclave “science box” if I ever meet her. Throw her in, turn it on, and let the science work its magic.
You must be really fun at tennis matches.
Or go to India! Where you can help completely fix a patriarchal culture and, through a donkey dick, teach a man to love strong, independent women.
Thank you. What a bunch of pointless, anti-climactic navel gazing with absolutely nothing interesting to say. It reads like a college freshman’s first semester essay.
Wow, do you think so? I thought it was MFA nightmare writing.
You. Gave. These. People. Money. So, you say you are tortured about the ignorance and discrimination of your past and the world that these people live in. To show us that you gave them money to reward them for this bullshit and wrote a piece that made YOU money. What is it that you expect? Do you really want a liberal…