Damn you, Zenimax, for making me sympathize with a "YouTube personality".
Damn you, Zenimax, for making me sympathize with a "YouTube personality".
Hot take!
I'll have you know that it was my father who dabbled in heroin while he was in med school and had relatively easy access to it. My mother is effectively straight edge, doesn't even drink. So ha! to you.
For the first couple of weeks I thought she'd mix it up a bit and not stick with the intense look, but it became apparent that she was always going to go all out. Then I was annoyed at myself for being bothered by something so trivial. But a couple of months in, it became hard to even kiss her with 3 lbs of eye shadow…
They...they are bipeds?
I once broke up with someone because her extensive eye make-up was a bit too much for me. I never said anything about it to her though, I just told her things were getting really busy at work and I couldn't spare the time she deserved.
Looks like something out of Carmageddon!
I've seen those unmanned fruit stands in rural parts of the US and Canada. Also, I once bought a roast chicken from a guy on the side of the road in upstate New York. It was delicious.
India is also in the unique position of being friendly with both Israel and Iran.
But how else will we attain freedom?
I'm always amazed at the push back on parental benefits. People who have kids aren't indulging in some quaint hobby, THEY'RE PERPETUATING THE FUCKING SPECIES!
She certainly is vague.
Can we have that outfit declared unconstitutional?
I think replicars make the most sense when they're also going in the restomod direction. That would be something that looks like a 356 but is closer to a base 993 under the skin, for example. It would naturally cost a lot more than $30k, but I'd enjoy driving something like that.
"Nemo Fakeman".
They want to live downtown like a civilized human being.
Jennifer Aniston, head of the National Tricycle Association.
Yay to this. Better him than this bunch that've been enjoying the spoils of William's conquest for coming up on a thousand years now.
Sorry, straight-up sarcasm is not shade.