
The fault in all this lies squarely with AC/DC, the worst band of all time. This is a sincere opinion.

What I like about Wintour's M.O. is not only did she call Kim tasteless and only useful to generate controversy, but she also implied, with the "another" addendum, that Kim is disposable.

Takes something special to turn Luzern into winnern.

It's not even centered properly!

Wait, you only poop in the afternoon? So most of your poops are work poops?

He was inspired by reading about the Manson nuptials.

You know you've gone too far with the airbrushing when the potatoes have a more appealing skin texture.

When your parents name you Revolva, it really limits your future choice of profession. It was always going to be this or carousel operator.

Well zinged.

Why not just carry and use a gun?

I grew up in Canada. My usual high school cafeteria lunch was a pile of fries with ketchup, mayo, and gravy all mixed up together. It was not considered unusual. It WAS considered delicious. You may proceed with the wailing and gnashing of teeth.

At first I was like "how could you not like poutine???" but then I saw that you don't like ribs either and I realized you just have a blanket policy against happiness.

Stunning news from China: professional studio pictures look better than grumpy bathroom-mirror selfies!

Gimme two fingers of rye, neat.

Ain't tryna front, won't admit that I'm posin',

Hah. My anticolonialist freedom fighter grandparents would have stomped Charles and Camilla's asses SO hard.