
The mention of James Brown really puts how long this man spent in prison in perspective for me. When Mr. Ligon was locked up in 1953 The Godfather of Soul was just starting out singing doo-wop at college parties. And he passed away in 2006. Goddamn, what has been stolen from this man.

Yeah, this definitely sounds cruel than merciful to release him without a full team of support and during a pandemic. 

I'll never understand the shoe infatuation. I can tell those are Nikes but that's about it.

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Agree with most of this list but I’ll take the Coltrane version over the Legend version.

Never use the ocean to dispose of shit. It always washes back up when you least expect it to. 

“He didn’t deserve that. Nobody does. I had too much to drink and lost control of my tongue and I said horrible things that I truly regret.

To your UNION!

I said this on Jalopnik.

Not making police vehicles is not the answer. As a black male, I’ve had my share of unnecessary interactions with police. But I’ve never blamed the car they stuffed me into, or the people that made it.

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I’m just gonna leave this here...Don’t look any further...