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    Im in the exact same boat as you. College and grants to churches yes would be pointless for me. However I would not turn down down payment help or some type of subsidy to attain this pipe dream of ownership. i dont know if this still holds true but i remember folks frequently saying a mortgage is the price people pay

    Hello, I actually have done genealogy. I have spent years pouring over records (12 to be exact) so yes I know how difficult it is. And forget the slavery brick wall, 12 years later and I still cant find everyone and have hit a 1920 brick wall on my grandmothers side. However there are many free sites. Everyone just

    Hello Sonic, Ill engage since you came respectfully. I dont know the logistics so I dont know who is paying. I see your point but to me blacks paying their own reparations via taxes doesn’t seem too bad to me in the sense that the money would be a payback of sort of the taxes already paid. This does make me wonder

    im not quite understanding WHY this is even a debate. When the Japanese received reparations for the internment camps it was for survivors not ALL Japanese immigrants. If this is reparations then it should be for the REPAIR of the descendants who were actually enslaved in this country. If racism is the low bar for why

    idk whats going on in OH, never even heard these names before but this analogy was *chefs kiss* i understood everything about whats going on 

    For kids shows Id include Gullah Gullah Island lol i still remember it

    ive been sick of these videos since that first nasty one went viral with the nachos on the counter, then it was noodles in the bathtub, the waste of it all makes me so mad

    Ok so yes the lady is wrong for keeping it HOWEVER ..Sheriff said theyve gotten 75% or in other words around 900K back. They cant just chalk the rest up to error and call it a day? I say this bc this is a HUGE error on their part. I could see if they add a few extra zeros to the $82 but this was more than a few zeros

    what stood out to me since i saw the video & statement a few days ago was nobody has YET to say what really was going on! just on and on about perception. well say what actually happened then! and one of those tables if memory serves me right everybody at the table had food except the black child at the table, in

    But...but... SIR...you have 4 kids with this woman ...1,2, 3, 4.. Ill give perhaps she didnt display this behavior before the 1st one (doubtful but im being generous) but after the 1st kid no signs of this? After the 2nd not even an inkling? Surely by the 3rd she showed something and yet and still you decided to skeet

    never in my life did i imagine slavery and yoga being strung together in a sentence.. i have no words

    Not just any shopping cart. I know a 99cent store shopping cart when I see one lol. I am also very confused why all the pictures looked like they were driving around LA, found a neighborhood with trees said yup everybody meet here. Like its apartment buildings and parked cars like whose idea was this? All these parks

    I suffered through 7 episodes. Just angrier each time. It took like a one week break or something when I checked for a new episode and then i decided you know what I dont even care to finish and I am a finisher no matter how bad something is, this show broke my record and proved me wrong bc i just couldnt 

    i cannot even fathom spending my entire life in prison like this. Do you know how different the world was in 1953 when he went in as a child and now he is coming out in his 80s in 2021 in the middle of a pandemic! i mean wow. All those decades and advances, during that time just wow. I cannot even imagine. For some

    its the leaving to go get a gun but not a mask for me

    I agree with all of this, may be semantics but not once did any of them say  “we will make sure to send 1,400 checks so the american people will get a total of 2000" they certainly made it appear that 2000 checks would go out and now that he is negotiating and under the GOP they only want to send 1000 checks to even

    with HBCU clothes,I kind of feel like they have become a fashion statement, like a black pride sort of thing whether one went or not but I went to a PWI so I dont know how HBCU grads feel about it. Rocking other schools cant bring up awkward conversations. I use to always wear my ex husbands UCLA jacket. I would

    ever since ive learned about clubhouse it sounded like the party line of my teen years but with topics

    Happy Birthday!! and I felt the same way about it. I watched it yesterday finally and waited to read the criticism till afterward, then I felt bad for liking the movie bc like you none of the flaws mentioned bothered me nor did I pick up on while watching. But I also love Jazz so much I was so happy it was included in

    I have been in literal tears since last night reading all the tweets ... this is the one that took me clean out & i had to log off