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    There’s pills that make you vile and vulgar racist now? well this is a new excuse

    this title is hilarious to me because i saw it and still couldnt say either lol

    I can deal as long as they dont kiss lol i know they are just actors but they will forever be Laura and Eddie to me especially since neither has been in any prominent roles (to my memory) since Family Matters. It will be weird if I see them kiss but ill deal. I have already decided that this year Im going to watch all

    I promise i went through this very same scenario about a week and a half ago. I got a sudden urge for a filet o fish. I downloaded app to see what deals i could possibly get (the app usually always has a $1 for any size fry coupons). Well i found deals for fries, mcchickens etc and said well ill just buy the filet o

    if fumbling the bag was personified 

    I also want to know who was that boy grace saw at the grave end of last season, that was never answered. I dont think a car is in that box, just my conspiracy theory, idk what is but something about the way him and aj were talking and so nervous to open it makes me think its not even going to be a car. How is the

    Pay Jane Elliot to create videos and then court mandate a class/curriculum around whatever Jane says to help her see her racist behavior. Pay a fine for the amount that it would have cost for the cops to come out. Then, I dont know how fines are collected now but make the fine be mandatory garnishment from her wages

    im sure ill get shitted on for this but ill take the risk. The days of great american manufacturers producing everything is gone. We only have 3 companies left that make american cars. If all 3 divested, where are cars coming from? Honda cruisers? Kia police vans? it would be yet another thing imported and every damn

    “[W]hat happens when your workplace bully is the same race and gender as you?” the letter asked, adding. “The demand for a new America calls for the complete accountability of all Americans, even those of us in Black America and our cultural institutions. Black women deserve to feel safe both in white America and

    how exactly does one pronounce Yrachaz?? lol

    I said this was most likely the reason when this story first broke due to my own incident the same week this happened. I ended up have to throw my drink out. I understand everyone wants to be overzealous with the cleaning now but if these places with soda machines want to stay in business they need to find a better

    i had to watch it i admit ive never seen this whole video. There was a name for that dance around the 1:58 mark, I just cant remember lol. I love the 80s disappearing tech advancement around 24 seconds in..what a smooth transition it probably seemed at the time 

    Its that wink in the very beginning that gets me every. single. time. I have to pause from laughing.. This also made me remember that whoah challenge or was it memes? from about a year ago I think? I have to go look for some and laugh 

    White foolery caught on camera is costing white people their jobs, and apparently, many of them have not caught on to this trend and continue to put themselves in the position to be the next viral racist to catch a pink slip.”

    I needed this, my eyes got wet from laughing but a little tear too, just remembering the times as kid growing up in LA in the 90s, The cat made me pause to lol, all these years ive never noticed that cat

    This reeks of just trying to protect their investments from the inevitable civil suit that will be filed. She didnt have these feelings the 19 other times he was reprimanded?? Nah, this is a money move plain and simple, plus protecting herself! She sees the protest and doesnt want to become the next target at her home

    They are probably hungry at school but too amped up to notice or care. I can speak to the half eaten lunches though as a teacher. They would rather play!

    I have an equivalent! Although homelessness is the outcome. Imagine kids only about 3-4 years older than your son. You are their teacher. They tell these kinds of lies to your boss, but you work at a place where the child is ALWAYS believed. You get in trouble, called to the office to EXPLAIN YOUR SIDE against a 6 or

    so.much.bobby.brown. on both lists. I cant see THIS much bobby brown in the battle

    are they still going to charge 10¢ for each bag? if they are still charging while banning thats BS ...