
Well, they needed something to replace the Confederate flag with, so there it is.

She is protecting their assets. This is a money move.

Getting played by Davis was the really egregious one. Obviously the torture and murder of something is the WORST thing, but everyone saw the Davis shit coming. Avon knew it was coming. The viewer knew it was coming. But Stringer just had to blind himself.

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Why are people acting like Cory put David Silver, Bud Bundy and Ced Ceballos on his top 5 list?

Molly met Andrew through Nathan when Issa and Nathan were seeing each other, so Issa has her own connection to Andrew via Nathan. Nathan re-established contact with Issa via that voicemail last episode and apparently asked Issa if she needed help; I don’t think it’s wrong of Issa to be like, “well, actually, I do need

This is only slightly related but this tweet is brilliant.

Yes, difficult choices, but 3 Bobby Browns and 1 Toni? What about “Breathe Again,” You mean the world to me,” “Let it flow,” “Another sad love song”...? Replace “On Our Own” with another Toni song. Or replace “We’re not making love”- I adore Dru Hill but that song is not even their best one and does not top any of the

this is the best comment to ever happen

That badger should think twice before getting involved in a coyote’s schemes.

Now playing

A Ja-fakin’ named Chet. *Sigh. Sounds about white.

Just wait until you see his new show Familiar-ish about a TV showrunner who only has one good idea.

Tithes, offering, first fruit, building fund, mission fund, sick fund, elder fund, single mothers fund, children’s church fund, donations (for events like the pastor’s anniversary and guest pastor), and sister church fund. Giving envelope look like a Schedule A 1040. I went to a White church at 10 AM. Pastor said

When I was growing up, we left the house at 7am sharp even though we were at most five-ten minutes away from the church. Sunday School started at 8 and ran until 10, at what point we would go upstairs for praise and worship that started at 10:30 on the dot and ran until 11:30.

i cant wait for the day when i read his name is followed by “was grisly murdered during a fight he started”

I just love that this fuck was too dumb to remember the recording buffer feature (or, tip of the cap to the LAPD for not letting cops know about it).

Why are they allowed to turn them off? Seriously. The entire point of the camera is to make sure their story checks out, but it’s useless if they’re allowed to pause the record whenever they feel like it. The entire point is that they’re doing crap like this when nobody’s looking. They should be docked a day’s pay for

I feel some kind of way about the title of this article and labeling. Either way, congrats little lady. Hopefully, we’ll get more people of color in predominantly Caucasian spaces.

So do Jennifer Hudson and Amber Riley... just saying.

Yes; and I do hope we don’t get too bogged down in the minutae. This isn’t rocket science, and we don’t need to make this more complicated than it already is. This is an issue of free labor provided over a particular amount of time, not general racial and ethnic discrimination, which a whole host of groups in this