
I severely dislike when a celebrity’s name is tossed in with some foolishness that one of their family members or friends did. I get it, I still dislike it.

My wife is white and I keep telling her this.  White women have the best setup in today’s society.  Technically qualify as minorities but without giving up any of the privilege.

i just want to throw out there that you suck and nobody likes you.

Receiving a Pell Grant is literally a requirement of Kamala Harris’s student debt forgiveness proposal, lmao.

With you on that Hulu deal...finally broke down and upgraded to the “no ad” version, and wishing I had done it sooner lol

Oh, I am my ancestor’s dream, absolutely! When Miss Anne spoke derisively at her, condescendingly whispering orders, I’m sure my ancestor longed for the day when she walked in a room and all the white women marveled at her skin wondering how old she was, then proceeded to price everything she was wearing and wonder

They don’t realize that mermaid legends from different countries around the world exist.

Management always does for itself. The House always wins.

Why in the hell is the other victim of sexual assault being named and shamed? He coerced her, does everyone think she should have just refused, been killed, had her infant taken possibly sold to suffer even more at the hands of this monster or could they maybe think she cooperated to have a chance in hell of getting

Funny how our subconscious recognizes things though, right? I somehow missed Common’s entire hip hop career (life, maturity, etc.). But one of my favorite not-my-generation songs (from my old uncles) is What You Won’t Do For Love by Bobby Caldwell. But, in trying to remember it, I kept confusing him/this song and

I would assume that since his child is graduating from law school she could afford a place somewhere else. I am really trying to understand why his daughter needs this space. This stinks to high heaven and a pox on both the landlord and the daughter who seems to think she’s entitled to this place. I hope the negative

“No one deserves this.”

So she was killed by medical professionals not taking her complaints seriously and doing proper testing to find her condition, not a fight. AVM is something that can be diagnosed by medical imaging and often can be treated. It wasn’t necessarily “a matter of time.” My heart goes out to the family, I can’t even

Im conflicted, while we know most stories did not go like this, like probably 98%, there were secret interracial relationships. Perhaps ancestry would have done a better of job of stating the time period, like post civil war. By consent alone and from a place of ownership pre civil war we know this is not how this

Now playing

If you’re right, it’s not exactly spaghetti harvesting!


“After the two girls got into a fight about cigarettes and abused an elderly lady.”

- “cult” - “brainwashed” - ‘mind games.’ -

This was not his during the day school teacher and not a “real” teacher. Not that any adult should treat a child this way, but I think for clarity sake for some reason people keep omitting this fact and skipping right over it and I for one think its an important distinction.

I did grow up with Kenny G. I went to live with my mom when I was 8, Kenny G made me hate “smooth jazz”. Even though I moved I still spent most of my time with my grands around the corner who listened to JAZZ..the real stuff. Kenny G is the one who made me at the age of 10 start to say no real jazz not whatever that