
You should be able to just copy and paste the link. I use Tenor and if you click the picture it’ll let you copy the URL and you can just paste it in the thread and it should work.

OK. I guess google must be down because there’s literally a million think pieces written about This is America but it’s Monday so I’ma do you a solid.

The ghost of Rosa Parks politely asks you to shut the fuck up.

Sippin on Coke and Hen,
I’m like, “So what, she’s 10.”

Excellent article, as usual. Of course a person is still Black, and still having a Black experience no matter who they like to spend time with.

Please, no man who disdains (fully) Black women, has an Asian fetish, and loves himself some white women can be described as unimpeachably Black, ever. He is just some weird little guy who has a good tv show and also makes ok music...but should realize he is not a singer and makes people uncomfortable trying so hard

the times we live in. now dom lemon is the voice of reason while kanye has become the pariah.

Ya’ll need to quit Awful House and get your breakfast at a nice respectable place that treats blacks like equals: The Woolworth Food Counter or Denny’s. /s

Now playing

Unfamiliar with the origin of this image, I had to Google it. And oh...em...mutha’ fuckin’ gee-willikers, what the fuckery?!? Then I fell down the YouTube rabbit hole, came the original videos.

Welp, good portion of his base is about to feel a really direct, inescapable sting.

I’ll go ahead and jump this off with my unpopular opinion. “but Clark’s death is bigger than him and the unsavory things he tweeted three years ago.” This is true...but when do Black women get our time to make our issues bigger than everyone else? We’ve been marching and protesting for everyone else since the

Apparently back in the day there was an episode where DJ (who was seven-ish at the time) didn’t want to kiss a black girl at the school play. Now, 20 years later he’s married to that same black woman who’s conveniently off serving in Iraq so they don’t have to cast the role. Hence black granddaughter for Roseanne.

Yo, although this revelation has been funny I really want this one to die. I’m slightly concerned for Tiffany’s career. Lets say we figure out who did the biting, and lets say the biter is A list or even B list with clout. They could potentially make things really uncomfortable for Miss Haddish if it came down to it.

My offer just got approved on a house today! I’ve been waiting for their response for days, and when the agent called and said they signed it, I was like ‘shit just got real.’

Nothing that Geek Squad or local shops do is really all that complicated. You can probably handle what they’d do yourself with some cheap hardware from Amazon and a couple of tutorial articles or YouTube videos. It’s hard to mess up with hard drives - the power and data connectors are physically shaped such that you

From her mouth to Zoe Saldana’s ears.

I’m real curious. What did Fallon do? I must have missed it.

Fuck Fallon. Good on Chadwick for doing his job by showing up for all scheduled PR stops and delighting The People.

Sure would be nice to see LA partake in this by finding a way to re-route the 110 freeway that cuts downtown in half. Downtown is surrounded by freeways on 4 sides (I-5, I-10, US 101, and 110, completely cutting it off from the rest of the city. The latest revitalization of the LA river will be welcomed, but we need