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    wow i didnt even recognize Ejiofor ..they did a good job.. I have never heard this story or heard of this man... I was a young kid in the 90s so im not surprised but this seems very interesting just reading this... i cant wait for the movie to learn more.

    i went and looked this up because of this comment.. i agree

    if this does go through ..i know im asking too much but how about a government website including fresh fruits and vegetables and people can sort of grocery shop online. They can pick what goes into their box each month. While the selections will no doubt be limited at least folks wont receive rice if they dont eat it

    the daughter is going to be on the upcoming season of fix my life ...apparently she is no longer speaking with bio mom and she was RAGING in the trailer

    what makes it worse is it didnt even mention name of who the first black player was smh .. a quick google search told me his name was Earl Lloyd

    O.M.G. i remember this

    if people could downvote im sure they would but im going to be honest anyway.. im conflicted about this in one sense .... while i certainly wont celebrate the man (aside from potentially moving to another school district that does, then i would get the day off...happy day!!) despite knowing his feelings I cant help

    and this here is what i came to say.. I dont know what other official portraits looking like.. and while its a lot of green Barack’s does him justice but that DOES NOT look like Michelle in face. Matter of fact if someone just showed me that pic with no context and said who is it suppose to RESEMBLE (still not look

    the kids look so miserable.. one looks like why am i here and the other is like what does this shirt even say, where am i smh

    this is the kind of situation where i can see people will want to blame the school and the teachers and thats not fair. Do you want your 7 year old getting patted down like the tsa every day? .. the teachers probably didnt even know he had a lighter all that said the school did F up by telling her to go sit down.

    The thing is ITS HIS NAME!! The fact of the matter is just because people were bad people (not saying Malcolm was just making a point for later) doesnt mean there arent other people in the whole world without that name. Here is the point I was making ..you cant tell me there is nobody else in the whole world WITHOUT

    wow 24 years old, single and adopted not one but 2 kids!! a baby and teenager!!! i cannot even fathom..and a teacher on top of that ...God bless her ....

    never mind finally read

    I too was focused on the white lady..TWICE!!.. I watched once, paused when she didnt walk over, started over, paused again then watched a third and let it play. i watched the video twice and kept looking for her to walk off because she seemed so emotional and was like what did i miss she didnt walk anywhere? and who

    ive been looking off and on all day to no avail does anyone know why he is called Cheddar Man? the closest I came was that he was in “cheddar village” but that doesnt make sense that he would named where he was placed..not found

    when i saw the headline i thought this was going to be about squatters not a literal whole house gone ...what in the entire h&ll

    when i read this i was like this is horrible she tried to suffocate him!! i mean come on... people so greedy

    wow i was not expecting this..maybe i just have low expectations now but i feel like wtg old navy. usually when these things happen its just “the employees has been suspended, given mandatory training, etc etc” never fired .. so kudos old navy

    Its over for me... i have a target card.. Ive had one since 2007 ..crazy thing is they kept the same limit on my card for 9 years.. I had a LOT of stuff going on and it was just never a big deal but then at the end of 2015.. I wanted something and the limit was too small and I called like whats up with this. They said

    Im a teacher and I have introduced slavery to my students I cant account for what happens after. I taught 2nd grade for years and now I teach 4th grade. When I had second grade people told me they were too young too understand. I get that but that doesnt mean they cant learn. There are SOOOOO many childrens books that