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    I would rock it...i save everything!!! im still mad my cross colours are being held hostage by a family member i dont get along with in her junk.. shoot they were so big i know i can still fit them lol

    William Compton??? Bill didnt die he became vampire!! (sorry couldnt resist) This is awesome that even earlier stories are shared. I feel like any little bit of slave life and before ..helps all of us on the genealogical hunt because it may lead to even more discoveries

    Jesus this is like a worst Nosedive.... but its even scarier on top of that bc its real

    I wanted to slap them both that whole interview its like him and envy were determined to make it seem like she was just making stuff up out of thin air, trying to gaslight the hell out of her and I dont understand why? they are THAT ignorant? I lost it when he said you sure its not in your mind then brought up LIGHT

    the fact that that was her first response to hearing music she doesnt like says it all, not only the racism but the fact that as a teacher she doesnt have more decorum and professionalism to simply say turn the music down or something

    Whatever they calculated I think they should get it either in a lump sum or a fund should be set up where the descendants get some type of stipend monthly until school goes out of business. I also thought it was very lowballed and weird for lack of better words that when this first came out that they were going to

    ive been forced at my job to learn and teach to others this thing called the 7 habits so its all in my brain so excuse this first part ..but one of the habits is “Begin with the end in mind” Basically before you start anything what is the purpose? what goal are you trying to reach? and thats the first thing I thought

    anybody have insight on Boise? Im quite curious about that one.. what is in Idaho that is causing an uptick of black folks..20% a big increase..i mean i dont even know what type of weather Boise gets thats how much off my radar it is

    what kind of trash ass person does this? this coward level of epic proportions ORRRR he did it on purpose and they need to look into that

    how much hate do you have inside that you go to court to be able to intimidate people? i mean doesnt that much hate just eat you up inside?


    yes thats the crazy part!! its like did the census taker just skip, were they so rural no one bothered? in hiding? like what happened? lol My grandpa had 7 aunts and uncles gave me their names and everything.. i havent found one in all these years NOT ONE!!! its maddening.. it got to one point i was calling my

    this was so sweet..what a nice read and Im glad you enjoyed it..here is a tip if you decide to do it next year and there are still a few places around as of this week (well here in L.A. anyway) but buy stuff after christmas for the next year.. its the BEST time..stars for way under $20. I always go after christmas

    this is great and i hope it helps... ive been researching for 8 years now and its so hard to find people with the different spelling and nicknames, that my dream has changed. I use to hope to find someone beyond slavery like on someone plantation, in a will or something that i hoped to trace even a teeny bit further

    did not known that i thought HULU was all paid now but thanks for the info. Sadly im broke.. I cant afford 8 bucks a month (yes im that poor just being honest) I “survive” off of free trials of directv and sling and the other cable streams (hence the tv one) and when people upload episodes (as far as new shows) ..

    i use the term loosely but in my personal life I feel like Im always getting gaslighted.. i cannot fathom being told for 23 years you are crazy, lying and making up a rape ..smh ..Im glad this woman got validation and proof she was right

    i dont have hulu :( i hope this means they dont stop playing it on tvone thats where i get my fix

    perhaps not as painfully but perhaps they all will get their comeuppance one day like Rolo

    she was also on The View this week.. cant remember if Monday or Tuesday but everyone was blown away about what she was saying at the age of 17 .. admitting they were not nearly as knowledgeable at that age

    I honestly thought Ben Vereen was dead .. was thinking dang so metoo about to start naming names from dead folks too ? wait till the “golden era” names start dropping if anyone is even still alive to accuse.. This entire thread ran through my mind while im reading and reading and then slowly i start to realize ..oh