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    something similar happened to me in 2016. Now I have partial ownership of house that Ill never see or get any proceeds from should it be sold and nothing from beloved family member. I never tried to fight anything and wont. Was angry for a while but like the kids said you just have to let that shit go which I have

    i know this is in jest but as a scorpio why is this soooo something i actually do lol white/black somebody says or does some crazy ish .. I simply walk away, ponder and then if I dont like I just keep my distance from henceforth

    this is scary regardless but i didnt quite get it or read correctly i guess.. so was he EVER a legitimate doctor? like did he go through ANY program and just didnt pass the boards or something? ior was he never even trained and just started finding ssn to get a license like that young boy they caught a few years back?

    not a movie but or futuristic but def sci fi ..a show out right now thats not getting any promo is Superstition on Syfy ..Its a predominately black cast with Mario Van Peebles leading and they are fighting these things called Infernals amongst other things. The main character is immortal. I like the show and just

    maybe i can get out the gray in 2018 yayyyy

    when I heard about this this morning I was like this is ridiculous..I think they all should be charged. In the article I read earlier it said that the man who was the target gave the dude a wrong address and thats how they ended up at this man’s house ..I mean this idiot didnt even have the common sense nor decency to

    LOL they play this on Sirius XM when they turn their R&B channel into “Holiday Soul” ..thats where I first heard it ...last christmas didnt hear it this year though but I had a similar reaction of wait there’s a Kwanzaa song?

    I was actually just reading an article about this.. i cant find it but here is another about it. This girl took pictures of her breaking the law in every state. The book is about laws that are still on the books that are really old and make no sense either for the time period now or in general (to me).example for time

    lawwwdd do i agree with you about sweet relish .. IT.IS.VILE and should be placed in NOTHING

    I was just saying this ..... “but one would not know it if they only looked at most critics’ year-end top 10 lists.” last night.. I literally just discovered this show called Superstition 3 days ago and it has Mario Van Peebles in it.I mean he is legendary how did this show slip by.. Its a good show for scifi fans and

    Im black and in my late 30s and i swear fo .. this is legit my first time ever seeing or hearing that relish goes in deviled eggs.. where did this come from? lol P.S. I do NOT put sugar in my grits..

    this is like the second story in a week of 90 something year olds being evicted what is wrong with people... so disgusting the way we treat the elderly..you will be old one day if you live that long. Where is 92 year old getting that money? from a small retirement? why offer to do anything at all if thats how they

    I had a student named Messiah years ago.. thats all i came to say like Santa

    how did the raccoon get in the house and no one noticed? and first spotted the raccoon earlier where? in the house? outside? poor baby

    first of all I love that your mom is so cool with you being you.. second, ok im green and older than your mama apparently since she knows... what is a stroke video? I mean judging by context I can guess...... Im conjecturing its men “dancing” to show their stroke game.. but are the men naked when they do this? do they

    All I can say is I hope this boy grows up to be phenomenal.. shot TWICE only 5 years on this earth..that’d be a hellava testimony

    such a minute detail but i still dont understand people like this who want to be messy and triflin and then dont even do it right..i couldnt keep up with the names but the one that sent him the candy and he got mad..did she hire a private investigator? no ..so he had to give her his address then get mad something

    I played Snowy Day for my 2nd graders last year after stumbling on it on Amazon..they loved it some even bought the matching book

    this must be a theme among 90s r&b singers.. i went to see Jon B a few months back and this was 3 hours late!! literally came on at 11pm in a standing only venue..everyone was BEYOND pissed ..i dont know how he closed i left at 11:45 when it seemed he was going into the last song ..my feet literally couldnt take