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    would not have considered Let It Snow a brown liquor store but i can see it

    my first thought was that black church he just visited ..talking about we’re open to all..meanwhile Moore was up there reading his little poem sizing them up like the auction in Get Out ...just waiting for the day

    while memorization is not learning.. this sounds like its for an upcoming play or something not actual learning.. the holidays are rife times for school programs thats the first thing i want to say to the people are coming from that aspect

    how can you WALK on the wrong side of the road? sidewalks dont go both ways? even with no sidewalks.. how is there a right side of a road when walking?

    and THIS person is approved ...meanwhile ive been reading VSB for years ....commenting from time to time and still greyed out...what a time to be alive ..


    while i know its too late.. i really need these men with power, a name and LEGACY!! to do better..just tainting everything all the unnamed ..everyday people fought and died for ..good grief

    im thankful that one day this will be my reality :) ive never had this type of thanksgiving ..dont have family...i read these kinds of articles every year with a smile and hope

    maybe she has dementia or just misplaced it, i cant see an 86 year old on a walker going in there just to get 400 bucks she clearly truly thought she was shorted her money

    this gave me a laugh

    when i saw this on the view this morning i thought you have got to be kidding me ..like seriously smh

    NOPE.. we can elevate a lot of soul food....chitlins is not one them

    bwahahahah so sad but true

    not that there was ever a good time but horrible timing after what she just said. most of the comments i saw today were dismissing her.. saying she was making it up BECAUSE of what she said and that she is now trying to get sympathy ......just terrible all around

    oh WOW had no clue thats how the royals operated ..makes sense bc of all their “pomp and circumstance” again no expert :)

    ima a grayer so im sure no one will see this but im surprised this is a thing.. most folks when you deny chitlins just laugh for a bit, may clown for a bit but no need for the excuses..I.DONT.EAT.CHITLINS. period ..end of sentence..but thanks

    idk the particulars im speaking from a pure primal place lol ..just on some GO Meghan GO !! lol ..just being honest

    im sooooo rooting for her like a competition show lol like come on Meghan you can do it!!! lol make it down that aisle and be royal!

    im still confused about what happened tbh so i wouldnt thank nobody either but im sure Lavar has more information... like everything keeps saying accused ..did they take the sh*t or not? not denying SOMETHING happened obviously it did..b but did they steal or not ... and then it went from one store to 3 stores. were

    this is awesome im going to try to get this to my fam