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    im surprised by georgia my family from georgia and i never even heard stuffing till i was older...it was all dressin in my house

    I’ve never even heard of some of these films..i had to look like Oldboy? Passing Strange? Huh? ...Mo Better is my fav but thats bc I love all things jazz

    you can make this stuff up ... no writing team necessary >“He pulled it back out and said, ‘With this loaded indicator, I can tell that it’s not loaded,’” Parks said. The man then pulled the trigger (sic) and shot himself

    i sincerely thought that was two men before reading the article..just the headline and the picture..two men

    who would make this though, thats what im asking.. not for a youtube video, not for likes, i mean legit look at this and think wow thats different let me make this for the WHOLE FAMILY.. the rest are questionable too...they seem to obsesses with a crunchy topping on a turkey, that ranch turkey and onion look just as

    some of these things do end up as public shaming (for example when they have them stand on a busy corner with a sign) ..for the record im still not sure how i feel about it.. i dont think its bullying by parents but im also not sure its right ..still chewing on it.. at any rate. I dont think this falls under the

    throw all of them under the jail ..nasty bast&rds

    these videos made me laugh so hard. Like literally Keurig already has your money so at this point you are only making more of problem for yourself. Clean up and now you have no coffee.. Instant rage for some ..this is so idiotic it was funny

    maybe he should go see Hamilton,lets ease him in slowly.. to get a basic understanding of why “America” is only 250 years old.

    Definitely Shawshank for me

    .nm forgot im in the gray and will never be approved and i cant delete while pending shoot

    this aside there are sooooo many Aaliyah costumes this year.. i feel like i missed something

    I came to say just this when i just read this article.. i saw that same information today and thought WOW ..desperation and lies go hand in hand

    This kid needs help and the parents too maybe. Its not normal for a 10 year old to steal a car twice and think its funny. Then spit and kick cops. That is not normal behavior that is a severe childhood defiance that either the kid is just this way and needs help or the parents are perpetrating a fraud like they

    this is sad, she was trying to get a job. I wonder why she couldnt leave the kids in school? if they were discovered around 3pm that means they were there prior which is still school hours. Most schools get out between 2:15 and 4. Was she afraid she wasnt going to make in time to pick them up? Tough decisions all

    the bubonic plague!!! we really are going backwards.. 14th century backwards ..this is crazy

    im all for calling people out. Since Harvey seems like every man is fair game but i want to know the outcome of some of this. Like what do they want? just for people to know? im asking this from a personal bias/opinion i admit in that..what was a week ago? two weeks ago? when all the former presidents got together. I

    ill just buy mine processed and full of “the sugars” thank you very much lol

    the devil’s butt plug!! needed that laugh... im team candy corn though

    and Tina Campbells too ..her fav christian