Ken Dull

It sounds like Little Mermaid has done even better than the numbers here suggest and the casting didn’t hurt it at all. What rankles is the amount of articles about the Halle Bailey and the sick people on the internet who had a problem with it. They were obviously the minority, yet every outlet gave them a voice. Time

What show was that?

Capitalism is a massive problem. You can’t look at the inequality it creates and not think “that is seriously wrong”

I like that MI:1 gave us a different take on a train-top chase/fight and showed us how tough it really would be but this looks like a regular moving train battle and a step backwards.

A good list but suprised that Faith didn’t make it as I thought that was one of Smith’s own favorites (and a great song anyway).

I enjoyed it. Worth watching for inconsequential fun

Studio has an IP and needs to make money from it. Only reason. Certainly not for any creative reasons.

The Green Knight wasn’t divisive. It was a great film and rightly recognised as being so.

Checked to see if Daffy would be number 1. He isn’t. Have no interest in reading the rest. This is plain wrong.

It was supposed to be choreographed. That was about as choreographed as a dog getting fucked on roller skates.” for the imagery alone

Just Mullen it over

Good list. Reminds me I do have to keep an eye on my kids at U2 concerts as they always get dangerously close to the Edge.

Is it OK not to like the film that much? I love the performances but got bored a lot. In a film where anything can happen I found I didn’t want ‘anything’ but instead a bit more focus and more rules. It’s staggeringly creative but too much a lot of the time.

I moderately enjoyed the show but it always chose spectacle and shock over character and careful plotting. Everything was too big, which made for exciting TV sometimes, but the characters were paper thin and dialogue often risible.

Lynch’s Dune is a masterpiece! Get it off this slideshow. 

That Joel Schumacher stuff sounds like damning with faint praise. It sounds like a nightmare for an editor to work with his footage.

I put ‘then 4 happened’ because I couldn’t even remember who directed it but its great comapred to the Yates films

Mission Impossible III onwards is where I get them all mixed up because they all feel and look the same. It’s hard to convey just how much an improvement Harry Potter 3 was over the first 2. A director with a keen visual sense took over and it looked both more real and more magical at the same time. Then 4 happened and

There are way more heterosexual relationships depicted on tv and in film. If there is a quota, its not working and we need more stories of gay people in love. Also gay people can have babies too.

I loved this episode, it was perfect and hadn’t seen any negative commnets online about it. I wish articles like this didn’t appear. I’d rather not know there was any backlash. Reporting it just gives credence to those views and I could do without knowing that a blinkered, hateful minority of idiots took issue with