scans for *female orgasm*

I tried a similar move over one of those big concrete Kit Kat bar-shaped things in front of my parking spot. It didn’t go well. I had to have both legs amputated just below the knee. Then I murdered my girlfriend through a bathroom door in South Africa.

Yeah but did you see how fucking high he jumped?!?

It’s also easy to manipulate world cup rankings. Poland did so for the 2018 by only playing opponents that would inflate their ranking. Poland was a 1 seed for the World Cup which everyone knew was a farce. 

making public these public documents would “place the county and its taxpayers at a competitive disadvantage.” 

I saw CC approach the mound and I was mortified he was going to take me out.

I recognize that the only way I’d place second in a cycling race is if there are only two people racing, but I do not understand why so many cyclists pull a DeSean Jackson like that. I don’t even finish my McDonald’s fries without watching over my shoulder for my wife to come and steal the big ones I save for last.

Four points:

I hope she gets traded to Portland so that every Thorn has its Rose.

And Dani Alves isn’t gonna sleep with you either, what’s your point ?

considering his body was almost horizontal when he made contact with lucroy (who i thought would be on an episode of let’s remember some guys by now) I believe him when he says he was diving for the inside corner of the plate.

Some would say coming here to post that comment is a prima donna thing to do.

They aren’t going to fuck you

glad this webstie still supprots the 2nd amendemnt

Says the argentinian from the team who moved on to win the World Cup with a hand-goal and a coked out star.

He’s been particularly bad and exceptionally whiny this tournament. 

Now this is pretty rich. Every confederation is corrupt, but lets not forget that the Copa Libertadores is usually slanted towards Argentine teams, or all the goals Brazil had cancelled by var. The Argentine FA is a shambolic joke and he’s finally getting tired of never having won anything with the national team. This

Yet I’ve been turned down from every slope when I wear my equally valid snowler blades, bastards.