
It’s really incredible to see on the same play how wildly disparately the rules were applied on the same play with the same access to VAR. I get that she broke the rules, but so did half of the French team and only she was punished.

I know “getting is right” is paramount to many people, but it has really impacted the viewing experience of the game detrimentally. If you watched the first half of the Uruguay-Ecuador game last night you know exactly what I’m talking about.


Thank you for writing this, Paul. I often struggle with body-image issues; it’s sad how illogical we think about our bodies as a society. Even if my annual physical goes very well, I still feel like I should lose weight.

I can’t think of a dominant team who’s reign ended as brutally and as thoroughly as the Warriors. Like, the team taking the floor next year will only have a passing resemblance to this year’s team and there is no young phenom waiting on their bench to be the next Durant or Thompson. It’s gonna be strange.

It’s a genuinely sad way to end the Warriors’ time in Oakland. It’s too bad they decided to adopt Silicon Valley’s mantra of “move fast and break things” at just the wrong time.

Be fair, Chris. The three Warriors players desperately clamoring for a time-out had no clue they didn’t actually have one. Not a single one of them was thinking “geez, I’d better draw an intentional technical here with less than a second left to give Toronto a FT and the ball!”

How can you criticize a guy who is always pulling for his teammates?

I can understand packing a fleshlight to use discreetly on the road, but it takes a psychopathic level of commitment to one’s masturbation habits to travel with a lifesize replica of a headless, limbless woman to fuck right there in front of others.

From now on, whenever someone asks me what E3 is, I’m just going to show them that video.

Man, John Wick 7 is awful.

And in a crowded building under camera surveillance, in a block crammed with traffic, in a downtown area!

The master plan of six to ten people was to have one guy walk up to Ortiz and shoot him in the back?

The tendon is often replaced with one from a cadaver. Which means Quinn Cook might miss next season too.

It makes no sense to get upset over imagery in a work of fiction until you know in what context the imagery is being used. Also, a depiction of a fictionalized world is likely to contain portrayals of real bigotry, especially one set in this universe, so it’s not appropriate to assume that just because bigotry is

I’m sorry you’re sad but man i’m so fucking amped to get more botw action!

this is the worst take

You may be in the minority on this one, unfortunately. 

While we’re at it, we should tell Miler that beer has long since evolved past shitty American Light Lager as well.