
Meh, the casting is a little on-the-nose, but it's fine I guess. I'm assuming Gal Godot must've turned the part down first?

Meh, the casting is a little on-the-nose, but it's fine I guess. I'm assuming Gal Godot must've turned the part down first?

Meh, the casting is a little on-the-nose, but it's fine I guess. I'm assuming Gal Godot must've turned the part down first?

I've been genuinely enjoying this season, unlike a lot of people it seems, but I'll submit that "Everything is fucking" may be one of the shittiest written lines of dialogue in the history of television.

So is Sudeikis the Son of Xorn who is actually Magneto in disguise teaching at the X-Mansion, or is he the son of the weird twin Xorn that Marvel retconned in later? Also, will Hugh Jackman cameo?


Then he could literally point to the forehead carving and say "Bullseye!" to really drive it home to viewers, just in case it comes off as too subtle.

I consider myself more of a harbinger of leather-clad, Evanescence-scored, poorly-animated doom.

Well it's always right when it tells me I'm hungry.

Marvel should get Colin Ferrell, maybe as Bullseye in Daredevil season 2? I think he would be a good fit for that character, just my gut feeling.

You need to use the money from that grant to fund a Baby Geniuses shared-universe reboot. The world has to know the answers to these questions, and what better way than a trilogy film franchise with multiple spin-offs.

That is such a bullshit theory. According to historical record, nobody has defeated the king of zombies in a dance off for at least 400 years, if not more.

I wish someone could get Garth Ennis to write Archie Meets the Punisher MAX.

Does it really matter what this guy wants to make when almost every project he's working on seems to languish in development hell forever?

I was definitely of the mindset of not wanting to see this movie, since it's not a Marvel Studios Fantastic Four. But the trailer before this one had such a cool sci-fi vibe to it that I started to get interested and excited about seeing it.

Ugh, Leto's barely in it and still manages to be the worst part. I was hoping he'd do something more original with the part, but instead we have a bad Heath Ledger impression done by a guy dressed up as Marilyn Manson.

It's angry, incoherent rambling about comic book characters, so it's aimed at everyone and no one.


I generally don't read Marvel books week-to-week (I've been reading Mark Waid's DD in trades) but this new team and direction is really intriguing to me. When does this hit the stands? Has a date been given yet, because I can't seem to find a mention of it in this article.

This article is Sammy's one-way ticket to midnight.