
One of my all-time favorite musicians, a legend who doesn't get nearly as much praise as she should these days.

That's the only thing this movie is missing right now that would take it to the next level of being a complete and total joke: a nu-metal soundtrack.

"Our movies are, like, so hardcore Xtreme that our actors, like, need THERAPY, man! Do you BLEED? You will, when you cut yourself from all the grim darkness and whatnot, dude!" - DC/Warner Bros.

Anthony Michael Hall for Norman Osborne?

I'm going to assume that if they cast him after months of meetings and screen tests, that's there's a good chance he probably doesn't stink. Unless, of course, he's been so busy with all of his Spider-Man preparation that he has neglected to shower.

Exactly. I think Marvel is aiming for the long term with this casting. In the span of 13 years (since 2002), we've had two different Spider-Men, two separate series, five films total, and now we're heading for our third Spider-Man, third series, SIXTH film.

I'm sure it'll be great, but I'd much rather watch a new season of Treme than this show.

I've never done it before and I've been thinking about trying OKC…but maybe not, then.

As much as I'm not crazy about Gambit, I'm kinda digging the fact that Fox seems to be committing to crazy '80s/'90s X-Men. We've got X-Men: Apocalypse, Deadpool, Gambit, New Mutants, and hopefully X-Force. I say bring on the cinematic age of Jim Lee headsocks, Rob Liefeld pouches, etc.

I don't know, I just read this article and figured, with all the other Python-related vanity projects he's done that this was just another one in that vein, and that he must really like the money, that's all. I didn't expect a kind of Spanish Inquisition!

"All those… Batman movies… will be lost in time, like… tears… in… rain."

"What the fuck is this?" - Matt Murdock finally watching 2003's Daredevil

In Jupiter's Legacy? I don't remember there being any, but I only read about three issues. I'm sure Millar got around to it at least within the first ten issues.

That Fury series is amazing, and perfectly encapsulates why I grew to like Ennis' writing.

Meh, not a Millar fan but I did happen to read a couple issues of this one. It's okay, but not really anything special that made me want to keep reading. It's basically the same concept of Ennis' "The Boys" (superheroes are vapid douchebags, and sometimes criminals themselves) but told from the superheroes'

Pain indeed don't hurt, but having someone's asshole sewn onto your mouth surely does. Of course, we never covered Human Centipedes in my Philosophy courses at NYU. I shall ponder these complexities of the modern horror film market during my next shirtless, oiled-down tai chi session.

I knew I would never be interested in ever seeing them, so I read the synopsis' mostly so I could understand what the hell everyone was talking about. I'm glad I never wasted the time, though part of me wishes I could get the time spent on Wikipedia back.

Awesome. I can't wait to read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia, like I did for the first two.

"This kid's not gritty enough. Instead of remission, could he punch his leukemia into several buildings, leveling an entire city in the process?" - DC/Warner Brothers