

You gotta be nice, until it's time to not be nice. Also, always take it outside.


Pretty good song, not their best, but to me it sums them up rather perfectly. Weird intro/verses that almost sound like a bizarre march, and a harmonic structure that sounds like a generic 4-chord pop chorus, but then they subvert it with the last chord (as in, if anyone here has studied music, you would almost expect

True, and I forgot that detail (I only remembered that she was a police officer), but I still don't think most SWAT members are really trained that heavily in martial arts. And it still doesn't explain why it seems like every character on this show is able to pick up archery so well. Shit, I feel like I should take it

I'm surprised at the rating for this one, I thought it was worse than last week, and at least last week we had the boxing glove arrow.

Canusetahtashumeh? Or habupityuortagehyeh? Hey Sandy.

I really hate these movies, and yet I've seen all but two of them, and it seems like it's always for the same reason - my friends/co-workers drag me there. Seriously, I saw Fast 6 in 2013 because my co-workers wanted to go get drunk and watch it at Cinebarre. As I sat there, the first thought I had was, "God, these

I haven't finished watching the episode yet (I'm watching it right now), but I just had to pause it and pop in here to say that this one deserves an A+ just for finally using the GODDAMN BOXING GLOVE ARROW!!!! I haven't laughed so hard in a while.

I'm torn between my hatred of Spotify and their treatment of songwriters, and my absolute hatred of all things Taylor Swift. This is one of those moments where you don't know who to root for, and, ultimately, hope that both parties will just fuck off. But in Swift's defense, we know she'll be done in about 5 years or

Seems like a great choice to me. Her resume speaks for itself. While I'm hoping Batman V Superman will turn out ok, I'm also positive that Zack Snyder will never direct anything as great as Breaking Bad, so having that kind of influence on DC's universe is a step in the right direction for WB.