
Well I mean I'm just referencing stuff they have to work with. It's not like they haven't written their own stories using the source material. You'd be hard pressed to try and say Jessica Jones season 1 is a direct beat for beat adaptation of Bendis' original Alias series. It's pretty different, but the blueprints are

"After Defenders, I know the other shows are supposed to continue, but I wonder a few years down the road from now what's really left for Daredevil, JJ, and Luke Cage. More than 3-4 seasons for any of them seems to push credibility."

Nope, he's not really active on social media at all. The only official account he has that I'm aware of is his twitter account. He's tweeted three times total, since 2012.


You raise a good point that it's a case-by-case basis kind of thing, sure. But I think the choice of giving them some kind of visual aesthetic, when adapting comic books, a VISUAL medium, is the key. Hugh Jackman didn't wear the classic costume in Logan but he still very much had a "look": collared shirts that then

After watching Scott Buck's Iron Fist, which admittedly I enjoyed way more than I thought I would, I'd say this is pretty much 99% likely going to be the outcome. I don't know why Marvel picked him for this show after Iron Fist. It's clear from Iron Fist, and interviews about Iron Fist, that Scott Buck really doesn't

In the club lookin' so conspicuous?


Yeah, I'm not buying it this time. It's a decent trailer, but I'm tired of getting burned by this. I said after the last movie that I'm not going to pay to see any more DC movies in theaters unless they get AT LEAST a 60% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and I'm sticking to that plan, so we'll see what the reviews end

"Either you do the white chosen one trope or you do the asian chosen one trope, either way you're gonna piss some folks off."

No dragon, no costume, hardly any K'un-Lun outside of some generic snowy mountains, and no apparent villains of interest - it doesn't help him promote the show in interviews when it seems like there's pretty much nothing to promote or even talk about.

Yep, exactly this. No costume, barely any K'un-Lun in the show according to the reviews, and then another interview with Jones just came out today where he says that they won't be featuring Shou-Lao onscreen at all. In other words, all the things that make Iron Fist Iron Fist will not be featured on the Iron Fist

The funny thing is that this new comment system now fucks up the Guy Posting In The Wrong Thread gimmick account, because we are ALL that guy now, basically.

Nobody puts these comments in the corner.

This fucking rules.

Hey Bono! How about some fucking t-shirts bro?

The fact that our current President is a famous reality TV star?

311 was an inside job. #Investigate311