
You can always apply to Margaritaville. Or down at the Sunset Grill?

This concept appeals to me for some reason, though I'm a little disappointed - I thought Batman would be bigger.

A young Joe Piscopo taught us how to laugh.

But Quentin Tarantino films make it look so easy!

I feel somewhat morbid, because I couldn't help but watch and think to myself, "How many of these 1990s high school teens are dead now?"

So is Talking Preacher pretty much a given, then?


Eichner is so talented, I've been a fan of him for years, ever since I saw him co-star with Denzel Washington in Phantom of the Opera on Broadway.

In MY day we didn't HAVE Dubsmash! If you wanted to lip synch you had to throw a record on the TURNTABLE and try and mime along with it with your buddies, drinking yourselves silly until all your friends were dead from alcohol abuse! Leaving just you and your stupid vinyl to grow old and die, and that's the way it was

I'm honestly more excited to see the reaction to the show than I am for the show itself. The comic was obviously controversial, but it was also somewhat obscure to non-comic readers, so it didn't get that much press/outrage (not to mention it was published at a time before the Internet and social media had really

Just reading this comment made me laugh out loud remembering that.

Luhhs cuhhh!*

Did we watch the same show, because I remember him doing crazy flipping and kicking in that suit. It's at least more practical than any of the super bulky live action Batman costumes.

I think I remember reading on some movie nerd rumor site like Birth Movies Death or something similar (so it may not be true at all, of course) that Marvel was still a little undecided on how they're going to do Iron Fist, and I think they were still so undecided on what direction they were going with it that they

I liked it. I thought it was weird that so many people didn't, it was totally practical and way better than the 2003 suit. My only complaint was the eyes - to me, the sort of "glowing devil eyes" is such a distinctive visual of that character, and I felt the show suit was maybe too dark on the mask, so the eyes didn't

You just a gave me a flashback to the last time I watched The CW. *shudders*

"NO ONE MAN SHOULD HAVE ALL DAT POWWWWWWWWUHHH" - every commercial/movie trailer until the end of time.

Smithers, have Menudo killed.