Kendra Taylor

This whole season deserved an A. Best season ever!

I didn't see it this way at all. Carl shoots first, and asks questions later (which is why Daryl told him to have faith in Rick and wait). He'll be in considerable danger because of his need to be a leader and his impulsiveness. With Judith, she's protected by everyone in the cell block. No one thought you could have

Hey, I like Beth. Besides, who was going to look after Judith? Rick? HAH!

I'm now going to imagine that Scott Wilson (Hershel) comes over from time to time and they eat dinner together.

Totally down for Rick, Michonne, and Carl campin' out! Also…..why won't we hear about Tara and Lily? It didn't seem like either of them were killed.

You mean, Sasha, Tyrese's sister? Thankfully she survived, she's badass! I was actually surprised they kept Bob, but it's good for the Wire fans to be able to yell, "D'Angelo!!!"

I'm so happy they killed him off now rather than dragging out his character till the end of season 4. :/ It only saddens me that Hershel had to die before him.

While I hate Penny #2 and (99% of the time, Lilly), I felt like her waiting on the walker to cross showed a depth to her character. Ever since she arrived at the campsite, she's been subconsciously looking for flaws in the Governor, to see that he isn't the man he claims he is. When he told her that biters couldn't

I agreed with your commentary for most of this. As for the first statement, I think the followers didn't question the leadership after dealing with Martinez. To me, Martinez seemed similar to the Governor so whatever he says, goes. Also, I'm gladd Lizzie and Mika started taking Carol's lessons to heart. I thought

I preferred the episode's rendition over a "Michonne and Hershel try to race back to tell the others that the Governor's still alive" ploy. :/ We probably would've got a copy episode of the time Andrea left Woodbury and was hunted down by the Governor.

Can someone explain why she shot him. Was it the fact that she saw the carnage that his actions caused or she blamed him for not being there to save Penny #2

One of the great moments in this episode was seeing the Governor's shocked face when Rick (like Hershel suggested) said that they could live together. You could practically hear the curse words that he was thinking when he realized that his followers had just heard a "let's live in peaceful co-existence" speech from a

I didn't read the title and felt myself about to cry (that scene was traumatic!). Luckily I watched it and laughed instead. Thank you .

I knew Amandla Stenberg played Irving's daughter. Why? Because my eyes started to water and I screamed, "RUE!" at the television screen. Damnit Hunger Games!

Oh, I didn't see that parallel. I like it. :] Thanks!

"Besides, no one at the campsite was decapitated or had signs on them. Different M.O"

I never thought I'd read an Adventure Time reference in a Walking Dead review. There's a first time for everything.

Hahaha. I laughed so hard. Thank you

Unfortunately, Shumpert looked at a photo of T-Dog, filled with envy of the lines he was given when the biters came and Martinez had to put him out of his misery. :<

If only a giant boulder would kill him