Kendra Taylor

I just watched Hemlock Grove because it was featured in a thread and was told it was good. This was the biggest pile of sh!t I've ever seen. The dialogue was horrendous, the script was terrible, and the acting…my god…

Everyone should know who Chef is and his love for the female form

At first when I saw Ice King with a wooden block between his ankles I thought, "Oh…this reminds me of Misery!" If we get another Cake and Fionna alternate reality, I want to see Cake meet male version of Lady Rainicorn (Sir Rainicorn?). This was one of my favorite episodes mainly because of how LSPrince said, "I don't

No, I didn't! I'm going to look up Alice: Otherlands now!

I almost fell out of my bed when I saw anime Cartman. He looked so serene, so nice, so very un-Cartmanly.

If they can turn August into a little boy again, they can make Henry into an adult. In the short run, we'd be like, "WTF. Seriously!" but after (hopefully) getting a good adult actor, we'd be thankful for a new and improved Henry

"I need a child, Gold,. and I need your help."
"Well, I'm flattered, but not interested."

I too was like, "When in the world did they get his shadow."

I'd so be down with everyone calling Robbie Kay Henry!

No! Sacrifice Henry instead :<

Giancarlo Esposito is the man! I'm glad they got him to say a few lines rather than splice previous audio clips together

"It stings!"

I just imagined Henry dating some poor girl. At first, I felt bad for the girl because she'd be tormented by Regina, and then I realized that she'd actually be dating Henry, which is even more hellish

Can you imagine a HBO or maybe Showtime version of American Mcgee's Alice. It'd be so awesome! :/ It was because of that game that I couldn't watch this Wonderland version

I hate how this show essentially says, "Don't worry kids, if you grow up in a divorced, single parent, or adopted home, your biological parents will get back together and everything will be perfect as it should be!" On this episode, I hate Henry. :/ I don't see how his acting is going to get better by him trying to

It would've been nice if they left him there and later someone put signs on him that said, "murderer, rapist, liar"

You need to work on your trolling

I think Rick said that they could live together, not for the sake of the Governor (who he knows can never live alongside Rick), but for his people. He's familiar with the Governor's ploy for brainwashing from Andrea's accounts, as well as the survivors of Woodbury. In my opinion, that speech about living together

I actually liked Tara in this episode and her PTSD reactions. I want to see more of her. I'm okay with not seeing Lilly

See ya later!